The Finance profile represents a high-level master in economics program with a specific focus on the theory and empirical analysis of financial markets demanding a strong quantitative background. He also served as a program director for the Swiss Science Foundation. Note for Admissions 2019/2020, no ISNE candidates will be accepted into the program. His publications include two books on foreign economic policy challenges for Switzerland and on unemployment theory. Founded in 1457, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg was first set up in Freiburg Cathedral as the 'Albertina'.Initially, the university was established as a comprehensive university with four faculties, including law, theology, medicine, and philosophy. Here you find an overview (version 05.11.2020) link Courses SS2020 Numerous publications on network economics, (de-) regulation, competition policy, industrial economics, and sector studies on network industries (e.g. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Councils of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development). Now, after almost one year, I appreciate the high academic standards at the University of Freiburg and I am happy to study such a demanding syllabus. He is one of the two first Nobel laureates in economics, and a founding father of econometrics and, thus, modern quantitative economic analysis. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Sie sind hier: Startseite › Bachelor und Masterarbeit › Master Info The new application phase is expected to open on March 18, 2020. A small tip: to find a room through Studentenwerk you increase your chances if you register online on the first possible chance + call them within some weeks – online registration alone doesn't get you far.”, “From my first week in Freiburg I was impressed by the amazing diversity and internationality of the Master Program. By time, I met many people from all over the world and I got the academic knowledge and notion I aimed to get before coming there. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker is a professor of Economics at University of Freiburg. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees at University of Freiburg. The department offers six majors: Economics Applied Economics Economics and Business Administration Mathematical Economics Political Science and Economics (education degree) To everyone playing with the thought of coming to Freiburg: Just do it! Chair of Economic Theory. M.Sc. We also request a statement of intent. Main research areas are constitutional economics, collective action, economics of contracts, political economy of reform, conflict economics, and economic analysis of social justice. Economics (MEP) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Platz der Alten Synagoge. Applicants need to have a qualified Bachelor degree, Diploma, or Master's degree from a recognized university with one of the following majors: For all programs: Economics, business administration, business informatics, industrial engineering. He pursued his undergraduate studies in Kiel and Wisconsin and his graduate studies in Göttingen, Munich and Boston. Following the application deadline, the admission board will evaluate all complete applications. Therefore, the M.Sc. Official Facebook page of the Master of Economics Program at the University of Freiburg. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Economics in Freiburg, Germany. I was able to make a successful transition from a software programmer to a scholar in social science. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Munich. in Economics Currently in home office following the instructions of the University of Freiburg to all its workers against the spread of the corona virus. In unfamiliar surroundings, without knowing German, it is challenging to live and study here. Technical knowledge or even professional expertise are nowadays not enough to deal with the fast-changing economic world. Since spring 2001 he has been full professor of economics at the University of Freiburg where he holds a chair in international economic policy. Enrollment is restricted. Prior to that he held a position as professor of microeconomics at Groningen (Netherlands). With Jan Tinbergen another Nobel laureate is closely affiliated with the faculty. Economics (VWL) Master of Science (M.Sc.) ", "The past two years as an MEP student in Freiburg have been of critical importance for me. Prof. Dr. Oliver Landmann. There are several research topics related to the specialization of the different chairs. His main research areas include international economics, international political economy, development economics, decentralization in developing countries, and the economics of terrorism. Each fall we enroll individuals distinguished by academic excellence, high potential, and a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. The work of the economist Walter Eucken (1891-1950) and the law professors Franz Böhm (1895-1977) and Hans Grossmann-Doerth in the 1930's and 40's about a (new) economic order became the cradle of the "Freiburg School" that provided instrumental concepts and ideas for both the institutional and social order of post-war Germany, the socalled "Soziale Marktwirtschaft". A sound knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations are strongly recommended. The statistical tools of modern econometrics are indispensable for comparative empirical institutional research. Information Systems and Network Economics: computer science and information science. The Program is pretty unique and challenging in many aspects but the experience you get is crucial for further activity in the field. EUR 100, German Language course: approx. Some statements by our current and former students: My time spent in Freiburg was by far the most intense time of my student life. Q: When will the admission decisions be announced? Currently, he is coordinating the EU-funded project “Self-organizing ICT resource Management”, which deals with the set-up of markets in Grid computing environments. We are particularly interested in quantitative and analytical skills, because our core courses require a comfort with and facility for quantitative and analytical concepts. Decisionmaking and management positions demand increasingly broad analytical skills and interdisciplinary knowledge; pure technical or business related skills and experiences will not be sufficient in the near future. The link for the online application will be provided on the day the application period starts, March 18, 2020. ", Highly developed analytical skills and the ability to apply those to specific problems of the respective field of study, A profound knowledge of the working of international goods, labor, and financial markets, including their interaction, A solid understanding of the technological aspects of the working of financial markets and the internet, respectively, Profound insights into the program-specific economic and management issues from the point of view of government and business with a specific focus on solving problems by setting up appropriate decision making structures, schemes for the gathering of required data and their transformation into useful information, designing and assessing various alternatives, taking actual decisions and putting them into practice with adequate monitoring and reporting structures in order to verify their outcomes, Understanding of the political-economic aspects of economic policy formation, Intercultural sensibility, cultural awareness, and the ability to bridge cultural differences. Ecs.) Native speakers from certain countries might not be required to present the results of the TOEFL or IELTS but this is not always the case. Note: For urgent situations (Visa issues, scholarships, etc), send your application to this email: . Contact Student Service Center Tel. Master of Economics Program Freiburg. Official Facebook page of the Master of Economics Program at the University of Freiburg. The program is targeted at post graduates of high potential to be recruited for high and top positions in industry, national administrations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and academia. Embedded Systems Engineering Master of Science (M.Sc.) Master of Science (M.Sc.) - You will be notified by e-mail that you have registered online upon receipt of your application. To be able to enroll, you must take out a health insurance policy. Application process is closed at the moment. A: In order to be admitted you need a grade point average (GPA) of 2,5* (German grading System) or better (which means lower according to the German system). Contact Student Service Center Tel. Instead, we look at your entire profile, hoping to find as many strengths in as many areas as possible. A: While the “turnaround time” varies in direct proportion to the number of applications received, and is therefore different every year, we strive to announce first-round results within 6 weeks of the application deadline. If you have not received notification about your application after this time, you are welcome to send an inquiry to:             Â. Q: I have not completed my first degree. Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger is Wilfried Guth Professor for Constitutional Political Economy and Competition Policy. Building on some fundamental theoretical results on financial markets, core topics of the program include the pricing and hedging of financial derivatives, the management and measurement of different sources of risks in financial markets, optimal asset allocation and the construction of investment strategies, the regulation of financial institutions as well as the design and operation of insurance and pension systems. A: All documents, including your undergraduate degree and transcript must be certified by an official third-party. This service is usually performed by a notary public, but in the case of official school documents, can be completed by an employee of your school's registrar. EU citizens and citizens from some other countries as e.g. The first year was quite challenging whereas the second year gives you more time to involve into your field of interest and prepare for your final thesis. Special subjects address among other things network economy, security on the internet, electronic markets, telematics and strategic management. You may share with people from all over the world the academic life and thus the difficulties involved when it comes to advanced economic theory. He has extensively published in international scholarly journals such as Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Regional Science and Urban Economics and Public Choice. Since most problems analyzed are interdisciplinary by their very nature, economics and business administration courses are complemented by political science courses (EP), courses offered by the department of mathematics (F, EP) and by computer science and telematics courses (ISNE). He received an MA in Economics (Dipl.-Volkswirt) 1988 from the University of Hamburg, and an MA in International Economics ( The Faculty of Economics stands out: from the ‘Freiburg School’ to Nobel Prize winner von Hayek Choose your specialization in Economics and Politics or in Finance Learn analytical skills and be prepared for a broad array of career options The IMP offers me not only an atmosphere that is good for learning, but also the opportunity to know Germany well and make friends with people from other countries.