Universität Potsdam Karl-Liebknecht-Str. January 2020 in general by Engel. Modern German Literature, Culture, Media Master of Arts (M.A.) 24-25 Potsdam - Golm University Campus Golm Building 14 Map of Golm campus. In NC courses, the number of applicants is greater than the number of available places at the university. To qualify for a Master's programme, you must have a first degree (e.g. Universität Potsdam Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Master's programs can comprise courses that belong to the field of key competencies (SQ). Are you looking for a suitable Master's programme? Alles zur Universität Potsdam und ihren 164 Studiengängen. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Master of Arts (M.A.) Im Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre gibt es nicht nur an der Uni Potsdam sondern auch an anderen Hochschulen einen Numerus Clausus. With more than 10,000 resident scientists and academics (out of 175,000 Potsdam inhabitants) and over 40 academic research institutions, Potsdam is today known not only for its world-heritage castles and charming gardens, but has emerged as a dynamic “science city” in … Four-Step Application and Enrolment These guidelines are valid for enrolment or change-over to Master degree programmes for all applicants, who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification (for example Abitur) in Germany or applicants who are German citizens. 24-25 OT Golm 14476 Potsdam Germany. Detailed information on entrance requirements, application procedures and (if applicable) possible subject … Graduates of the Master’s programme are able to apply and independently develop mathematical methods and models. Der offizielle YouTube-Kanal der Universität Potsdam. Structure and Organization of the Cognitive Science Master Program. The program is unique in bringing together all three fields in an interdisciplinary combination. Visitor address. Duisburg Campus Forsthausweg 2 47057 Duisburg, Germany. Alles zur Universität Potsdam und ihren 160 Studiengängen. Master-Zulassung & International Admissions ssc-master@uni-frankfurt.de Please note: It is currently not possible to reply to Microsoft emails (@live, @hotmail, @outlook, etc). The main focus is on developing intelligent computer systems; we also cover formal models of human cognitive processes. Modern China Studies Master of Arts (M.A.) Vorlesungsverzeichnis; Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, we, the Clinical Exercise Science Cohort 10 of University Potsdam, would like to invite you to our annual first-semester symposium which will be held in house 8 room 0.58 of the campus ‘Am Neuen Palais’ on Thursday, February 6th of 2020, from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Mikrosystemtechnik (taught in German) Master of Science (M.Sc.) 01719443098, und zu Prüfungsangelegenheiten an Netanel Olhoeft: netanel.olhoeft uni-potsdam de . Immer auf dem Laufenden mit Eurem Fachschaftsrat! Bachelor's or one of the long-cycle degrees such as the state examination). NC courses often use deadlines that differ from non-NC courses. Erläuterungen. This wide range of subjects enables an interdisciplinary exchange on the Göttingen Campus. Visitor address. As a rule, they are two to four-semester programs which build upon, deepen or expand previous bachelor's programs by adding an interdisciplinary focus. Dear Students, Besonderer Wert wird auf ein Verständnis der Kinderrechte als kulturell eingebundene und kontextualisierte subjektive Rechte gelegt. Universität Potsdam Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Häufig gesucht. psychology@psych.uni-potsdam.de Some faculty buildings are part of the New Palace of Sanssouci which is known for its UNESCO World Heritage status.. Visitor address. Essen Campus Universitätsstraße 2 45141 Essen. Continuing at a distance! 2019-02-21T08:30:04Z Alexander Kiy alexander.kiy@uni-potsdam.de https://gitup.uni-potsdam.de/alekiy/opac/commit/3562a4e79c55cbf24821696c8f464a0f35333088 5 were here. A list of international undergraduate courses can be found here: International courses . Universität Hamburg offers two kinds of master's programs: Consecutive master's programs build upon specific bachelor's programs. The MSc Cognitive Systems is a two-year Master's program that covers the areas of computational linguistics, machine learning, and knowledge representation and reasoning. Alles zur Universität Potsdam und ihren 164 Studiengängen. Email address. Regulations Study and examination regulations. If you can see this please click herehere You can find out from your university if your course of study is an NC course. Microsystems Engineering (taught in English) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Email address. Master of Biochemistry in Tübingen The University of Tübingen , home to Germany's oldest biochemistry degree, introduces a new, flexible, and research-focused Master of Biochemistry (MSc). The University of Potsdam is a public university in Potsdam, capital of the state of Brandenburg, Germany.It is mainly situated across three campuses in the city. Email address. 24-25 OT Golm 14476 Potsdam Germany. Biochemistry and Biophysics ... service.uni-freiburg.de Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg Lageplan Barrierefreiheit Treppenlift für Traglasten bis 225 kg. Master of Science (M.Sc.) University hospital Hufelandstraße 55 45147 Essen BK = Lehramt an Berufskollegs. Dazu zählen unter anderem die Uni Köln, die Uni München und die Uni Hamburg. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Modern, jung, überschaubar - so kann man die Universität Potsdam in aller Kürze beschreiben. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Numerus Clausus in Betriebswirtschaftslehre an anderen Hochschulen. 24-25 Potsdam - Golm University Campus Golm Building 14 Map of Golm campus. Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies University website: www.uni-potsdam.de Share UNI-NC = Auswahlverfahren durch die Universität, da zulassungsbeschränktes Fach (Ergebnisse Örtliches Auswahlverfahren der letzten Semester). Application Application deadline, admission regulations and forms. studium@psych.uni-potsdam.de Restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic Information for School of Jewish Theology students. Master's programmes are research-oriented postgraduate programmes. Master of Arts, Master of Science. Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies University website: www.uni-potsdam.de Share psychology@psych.uni-potsdam.de Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. The University of Göttingen offers more than 100 Master's programmes in the natural and life sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences. Normal operations not possible yet at the University of Potsdam. You must successfully complete the SQ courses related to your discipline, for which the respective study program is responsible, as well as the interdisciplinary SQ courses, which are coordinated by the Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning (ZLW). Most master's programmes offered at the university are consecutive programmes, i.e. For more information about the content-based requirements of undergraduate degrees, please visit the webpages of the corresponding degree programmes and consult our Study Guide . G = Lehramt an Grundschulen. Master. With the distance and hygiene regulations still in place, no more than a quarter of the courses in the winter semester can be offered in face-to-face formats. HRSGe = Lehramt an Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Der Studiengang Master of Childhood Studies and Children's Rights ist die aktive und effektive Partizipation von Kindern (und Jugendlichen) in sozialen Prozessen. 24-25 Potsdam - Golm University Campus Golm Building 14 Map of Golm campus. NC is an abbreviation for the Latin “numerus clausus”, which means “limited number”. Bei allgemeinen Fragen zum Studienablauf, zur Studienberatung wenden Sie sich bitte an Martin Kujawa: kujawa uni-potsdam de, Tel. Announcement CES Symposium – Exercise Science Reviewed 2020. The following Integrated Master study programs are offered by different faculties. GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) The objective of the Master’s degree programme in Mathematics is to expand and improve the basic knowledge of mathematics with the aim of enabling students to gain insights into current research in Heidelberg. 10. they build on the knowledge gained in a prior undergraduate programme in the same or related subject. If you can see this please click here. 24-25 OT Golm 14476 Potsdam Germany. Study Projects Information on current and previous study projects; Joint Degree Program: Osnabrück - Trento/Rovereto