Maria Augusta von Trapp DHS (née Kutschera; 26 January 1905 – 28 March 1987), also known as Baroness von Trapp, [1] [2] was the stepmother and matriarch of the Trapp Family Singers. English Articles. Korvettenkapitän Georg Ludwig, Ritter [1] von Trapp (April 4, 1880 – May 30, 1947), known as Baron von Trapp, was an Austro-Hungarian Navy officer. Hier bekam Agathe von Trapp ihre ersten beiden Kinder Rupert (1911–1992) und Agathe (1913–2010). Maria dan Georg kemudian menikah pada 26 November 1927. Georg von Trapp.jpg 432 × 573; 181 KB Georgvontrapp.gif 250 × 337; 32 KB Lt. Geo Von Tropp, who sank the LEON GAMBETTA LCCN2014699117.jpg 4,235 × 5,835; 6 MB Before living in the "Kitzsteinhorn", the Von Trapp family lived on a farm called "Erlhof" near Agathe Whitehad von Trapp's mother and her sisters. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (Pula, 12 de março de 1911 - Towson, 28 de dezembro de 2010) foi uma cantora norte-americana, filha mais velha do barão Georg von Trapp e de Agathe Whitehead.Ela era membro da Trapp Family Singers, a família cuja história baseado a historia verdadeira dos von trapps musical The Sound of Music e o filme homônimo. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and film The Sound of Music.In the film, she was portrayed as the character "Liesl". She was portrayed as the character "Liesl". In 1922, her mother died of scarlet fever and was buried in Klosterneuburg. U filmu je prikazana u liku Liesl. Her nationality is Austrian. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp.wikipedia Hij overleed in 1992 op 80-jarige leeftijd. Agathe Von Trapp. Early life. Obitelj je kupila vilu u Aigenu , predgrađu Salzburga i preselila se 1924. On leaving Austria the Trapps traveled to Italy, not... First marriage and inherited wealth. Rupert von Trapp (Pula, 1 november 1911 - 22 februari 1992) was het eerste en oudste kind. General (1 matching dictionary) Agathe von Trapp: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and film The Sound of Music. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (born 12 March 1913) is the eldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (Pula,12 maart 1913 - 28 december 2010) was het tweede kind. [1] Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead. Báró Georg Johannes von Trappnek első feleségével, az 1922-ben skarlátban elhunyt Agathe von Trapp bárónővel kötött házasságából valóban hét gyermeke született, ám a filmben minden gyerek nevét megváltoztatták, és születési sorrendjük is más. Sound of Musicista tuli kaikkien aikojen suosituin musikaalielokuva ja se on näytelmänäkin yksi tämän päivän suosituimmista. È la figlia maggiore del capitano Georg Ludwig von Trapp e di Agathe Whitehead. Agathe Von Trapp. [2] [3] His exploits at sea during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the prestigious Military Order of Maria Theresa.The story of his family served as the inspiration for the musical The Sound of Music. Incorporates information from the article in the German Wikipedia Korvettenkapitän Georg Johannes, Ritter von Trapp (April 4, 1880 – May 30, 1947), known as Baron von Trapp, was an Austro-Hungarian Navy officer. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp , najstarija kći Georga von Trappa i Agathe Whitehead. She spent her childhood with her siblings in Zell am See, Austria. Her dad Georg von Trapp is a Navy officer and member of the Trapp family singers. Ketujuh anak Georg Ludwig von Trapp merupakan hasil perkawinannya dengan istri pertamanya, Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, yang meninggal karena sakit demam pada tahun 1922. 68 relations. She was the eldest daughter and the second of ten children born to Georg von Trapp. Recent. Added in 24 Hours. Oikea von Trappin perhe ei Mariaa lukuun ottamatta ollut järin ihastunut The Sound of Musiciin. Help Us Preserve and Share History. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp, född 12 mars 1913 i Pola i Istria i dåvarande Österrike-Ungern, Pula i Istra i nuvarande Kroatien, död 28 december 2010 i Towson, Maryland, var en österrikisk-amerikansk sångerska och författare. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and movie The Sound of … The same month they officially established the Trapp Family Austrian Relief, Inc. to facilitate their ongoing efforts. Maria von Trapp itse asiassa vilahtaa itsekin elokuvassa taustalla. ), najstarija kći Georga von Trappa i Agathe Whitehead. [3] [4] She wrote The Story of the Trapp Family Singers which was published in 1949. Trapp married Agatha Gobertina Whitehead, the first daughter... Second marriage Agathe was born on 12 March 1913 in Pola, then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, now Pula, Croatia. She was born to her Christian parents on 7 September 1919 in Zell am See, Austria. She was portrayed as the character "Liesl". "Memories Before & After The Sound of Music" by Agathe von Trapp, "The World of The Trapp Family" by William Anderson and David Wade, n ewspaper articles and Wikipedia. FREE: Updates and history trivia. Improved in 24 Hours. Baron Captain Georg von Trapp was the First Chairman, Baroness Maria Augusta Kutschera von Trapp was Second Chairman, Reverand Dr. Franz Wasner was Treasurer, and Baroness Johanna von Trapp was Secretary. The real von Trapp children were (in age descending order) Rupert, Agathe, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna and Martina. Agathe Whitehead umrla je 3. rujna 1922. od šarlaha kojim se zarazila preko svoje kćeri Agathe. Bila je članica pjevačke trupe obitelji Trapp čiji su životi bili inspiracija za predstavu i film Moje pjesme, moji snovi. The first seven of these were born to his first wife, Agathe Whitehead, while the youngest three were born to Georg's second wife, Maria Augusta Kutschera. She was also a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the 1959 musical play and 1965 film The Sound of Music. HAGERSTOWN, Md. Georg Ludwig rytíř von Trapp (4. dubna 1880 Zadar, Rakousko-Uhersko – 30. května 1947 Stowe, USA) byl rakousk ... Agathe von Trapp Maria Franziska von Trapp Werner von Trapp Hedwig von Trapp Johanna von Trapp Martina von Trapp Rosmarie von Trapp Eleonore von Trapp Johannes von Trapp: Zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges befehligte Georg das Torpedoboot 52 . Incorporates information from the article in the German Wikipedia Corvette Captain Georg Johannes, Ritter1 von Trapp (4 April 1880 – 30 May 1947), often incorrectly referred to as Baron (Freiherr) von Trapp, was an Austro-Hungarian Navy officer.23 His naval exploits during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the prestigious Military Order of Maria Theresa. Johanna Karolina Gobertina Barbara (Franziska) von Trapp (7 September 1919 – 25 November 1994) was the sixth child of Georg Ritter von Trapp and his first wife, Agathe (née Whitehead). Quite the same Wikipedia. Agathe von Trapp. Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp was born in Zara, Dalmatia,... Italian citizenship. Her mother was played by beloved actress Julie Andrews in the film production of “The Sound of Music”, which supplanted “Gone With the Wind’ as the highest-grossing film of all time. We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word agathe von trapp: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "agathe von trapp" is defined. (AP) — Agathe von Trapp, a member of the music al family whose escape from Nazi-occupied Austria was the basis for "The Sound of Music," has died, a … On screen Rupert became Liesl, a 16 going on 17-year-old girl. She was also a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and film The Sound of Music. Hennes självbiografi Memories Before and After The Sound of Music utkom 2003. Just better. Agathe hingegen zog mit ihren Kindern zu ihrer Mutter auf den Erlhof nach Zell am See . The name of her father is Georg von Trapp and her mother is Agathe Whitehead. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (Pula, 12. ožujka 1913. Georg von Trapp. Agathe von Trapp, nata Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp, (Pola, 12 marzo 1913 – Baltimora, 28 dicembre 2010), è stata una cantante e scrittrice austriaca naturalizzata statunitense. SUPPORT: Share Memories, Photos, Etc. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. I boken redogör hon för den sanna historien bakom filmen Sound of Music. - Towson, 28. prosinca 2010. Bila je članica pjevačke trupe obitelji Trapp čiji su životi bili inspiracija za predstavu i film Moje pjesme, moji snovi.U filmu je prikazana u liku Liesl. Live Statistics. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. [1] Agathe Von Trapp was born on March 12, 1913 in Austria. Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment; current Rupert heette in de film Friedrich en werd gespeeld door Nicholas Hammond. She was portrayed as the character "Marta". Languages. His exploits at sea during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the prestigious Military Order of Maria Theresa. The Von Trapp family moved from Zell-am-See to Klosterneuburg, when their home, the lake hotel "Kitzsteinhorn", was flooded.