Roger Ebert's 10 Favorite Movies June 18, 2014 â 9:00 AM â 0 Comments By Vi-An Nguyen @vian_nguyen More by Vi-An 10 Awe-Inspiring Military Monuments ⦠The documentary Life Itself, a poignant tribute that celebrates Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic Roger Ebert, was released in theaters this weekend. Ebert had been reviewing for almost 40 years when he sat down to review that movie, but he was still letting movies teach him how to watch them, and he was teaching us as he went along. Generations grew up ⦠The passing of film critic Roger Ebert Thursday was truly a loss to the world of journalism. [10] On September 13, 2013, it was announced that fellow co-star critic Richard Roeper was to replace Ebert ⦠They allow us to enter other minds-not simply in the sense of identifying with the characters, although that is an important part of it, but by seeing the world as another person sees it. Along with colleague In his 3/4 star review, Roger Ebert claimed he wasn't a fan of the previous Home Alone movies (he gave the first one 2.5 stars and the second one 2 ⦠Kevin Winter/Getty Legendary film critic Roger Ebert passed away Thursday, at the age of 70, after a long battle with cancer.Ebert reviewed movies for ⦠Each year, Ebert compiled his favorite ⦠Film Critic Roger Ebert could get pissy when a movie didn't please him. A list of 372 films compiled on Letterboxd, including 12 Angry Men (1957), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), 25th Hour (2002), 3 Women (1977) and 8½ (1963). What Did Roger Ebert Think of Some of Your Favorite Movies? We live in a box of space and time. Discuss here Home ⺠Film Flickers ⺠Roger Ebertâs Top 10 Favorite Movies Of All Time! I read his memoir, "Life Itself," as well as the first collected volume of his Great Movies columns; in both of these books, I These are Roger Ebert's Favorite Films About Food. Celebrated for his lively reviews and extensive film knowledge, Ebert spent his career reviewing movies for the Chicago Sun-Times. Roger Joseph Ebert was the all-time best-known, most successful movie critic in cinema history, when one thinks of his establishing a rapport with both serious cineastes and the movie-going public and reaching more movie fans via television and print than any other critic. He always said this was a list of HIS favorite movies. Movies are windows in its walls. When Roger Ebert hated a film, he really didn't mince words. Chicago critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert rate new movies with a thumbs up, or a thumbs down. When Roger Ebert hated a film, he didn't mince words. With Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel, Richard Roeper, Michael Phillips. Roger Joseph Ebert (/ Ë iË b Ér t /; June 18, 1942 â April 4, 2013) was an American film critic, film historian, journalist, screenwriter, and author.He was a film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. from 1967 until his death in 2013. About this list: Every film from Roger Ebert's "Great Movies" essays. I always found that my taste tended to line up quite a bit with Roger Ebert's, particularly when it came to our favorite movies of all time. I loved Ebert for a very specific quality: he was a thoroughly selfless critic. Roger Ebert has become one of my favorite writers, as well as one of my favorite thinkers period. What movie critic right now comes closest to being his successor? Ebert was on a show called, Ebert Presents at the Movies, premiered on January 21, 2011, with Ebert appearing in a brief segment called "Roger's Office". Scraping Roger Ebertâs reviews and finding his favorite movies on Amazon Prime Mon, Jun 8, 2020 python web scraping My wife and I are big fans of the late film critic Roger Ebert. And he was quick to say that these were the movies that affected him the most on an EMOTIONAL Roger Ebert compiled "Top Ten" film lists every year, dating back to 1967. Films that the late Roger Ebert (1942â2013) regarded, in a series of essays, as the Greatest Movies Ever. Regardless of whether you share his opinion on the title, which of these mean quotes do you think is the funniest? Critics Consensus: The onscreen battle between Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher serves as a personal microcosm of the culture wars of the 1970s -- and testament to the director's vision that the film retains its power more than three decades later. For the past five years Roger Ebert, the famed film writer and critic, has been writing biweekly essays for a feature called "The Great Movies," in which he offers a fresh and fervent appreciation of a great film. Roger Ebert, Cinematographer: Siskel & Ebert & the Movies. Roger Ebert was my favorite movie critic and I haven't found a replacement. 700 Palme d'Or, Golden Lion, Golden Bear, BAFTA Best Film, Oscar Best Picture, Best Foreign , Golden Globes Best Picture, Roger Ebert, Criterion Collection, TARANTINO'S, PAUL ANDERSON'S, SAFDIE BR., GUILLERMO DEL TORO'S, Scorseses, Jim Jarmuschs Favorite www For those unaware of who Roger Ebert was, he was ⦠We donât know about you, but the news of Roger Ebertâs passing hit us hard. Ratatouille (2007) Director: Brad Bird Genre: All-ages animated marvel The Flick: Ratatouille What Ebert Said: Every time an animated film is successful, you have to read all over again about how animation isn't "just for children" but "for the whole family," and "even for adults going on their own." A look back at the late critic's reviews of Star Wars, Batman and more fanboy classics. Eugene Kal Siskel (January 26, 1946 â February 20, 1999) was an American film critic and journalist for the Chicago Tribune. Roger Ebert had a list of his favorite movies that he called Great Films -- we present them here in alphabetical order! Note that he didn't rank them, because he dismissed the idea of Great Movies ranking. 12 of Roger Ebert's best movie reviews Nobody has ever been as good at loving (or hating) a movie. We also share an Amazon prime membership. Here are 50 movies the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer absolutely loathed (including a couple of ⦠roger ebert was an American film critic, film historian, journalist, screenwriter, and author. ">Here are his favorite movies from the past 45 years. Roger Ebert's Favorite Films (1967-2012 COMPLETE ARCHIVE) >> RECOMMENDED: CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS LIST IN DETAILS MODE << Roger Ebert released some variation of a "Top Films of the Year" list every year that he worked at The Chicago Sun Times until his death on April 4, 2013. By ⦠And Roger Ebert pointed this out continually throughout his writing career. Here are 22 films he absolutely loathed (including a couple of surprises) and his dry assessments of their value. Americaâs most trusted and best-known film critic Roger Ebert presents one hundred brilliant essays on some of the best movies ever made.