Write this type of letter for any situation in which you are communicating appreciation to your professor. Thanks Letter to University Professor. It is understood that emails messages are sent electronically by means of a computer from one person to another person or group through a network. Appointment Email to Professor. —————————————————————————— Sample email for research Dear Dr. Williams, My name is Rebecca Black. I saw that you posted the grades for our last reports. Sample Email To Professor For Scholarship is given at end of posts also tell professor that you have seen his profile and your research interest matches with your research interests and ask him politely if he has some PhD position in his research group. You will likely need to modify this letter sample at least somewhat so that it most closely matches what you want to communicate. To: prof@mail.com. Sample letter to professor for replacement of last assignment for improving grades. Even though you’re probably frustrated with your grade, make sure to email your professor in a kind, professional way. Sample Emails for a professor about grades | Email Template. Include in your letter any pertinent details. Find out who to ask, what information to include in your email requesting a reference, and review sample reference requests to professors and academic advisors. I am applying to the CMB program and am very interested in your work. Respected Sir, This is to bring to your notice that I am working on a project work for my final semester that I would like to discuss with you. I am writing this mail to fix an appointment with you at your convenient time. Professor Appreciation Letter. I was disappointed to discover the course is already full. After glancing at a few of your recent Dear Professor [ABC]: My name is [DEF], and I am deeply interested in taking [GHI] course with you at [JKL o’oclock] on [MNO days.] Choosing an Academic Reference People familiar with your academic work and performance are excellent choices to ask for recommendations as you begin your career. Sample thanks letter to professor for help, recommendation, guidance or for any other reason to university professor, assistant professor or professor in college etc. Professional Email Defined. By sample | March 18, 2013. Subject: Email to fix an appointment. It is ok to resend the email or a follow up after a couple days if you don’t hear back. I was a little surprised and discouraged by my grade. Professors get hundreds of emails daily, and your email can easily get lost in the ruble. 0 Comment. Example of emails sent to a professor before applying: Fwd: Prospective Graduate Student Dr. Kornbluth, I am a senior biology major at the University of Notre Dame. Subject: Extra Support on _____ Dear Professor _____, I hope all is well and that you enjoyed your weekend. If you have any questions or concerns about your grade, keep in mind that your professor is unlikely to share certain information with you by email for privacy reasons. From [Full names] [Address] [00/00/0000] To [Full Names] [Title] [Institution] University Of London, Senate House, Malet St, London, UK, Respected Professor Mong, I hope you are doing well.