Marie Ludvika Aloisie von Waldstein-Wartenberg was born on month day 1768, at birth place, to Emanuel Philibert Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg and Princesa Maria Anna Theresia Von Waldstein (born Von Liechtenstein). Franz Wilhelm, Count von Wartenberg (born at Munich, 1 March 1593; died at Ratisbon, 1 December 1661) was a Bavarian Catholic Bishop of Osnabrück, expelled from his see in the Thirty Years' War and later restored, and at the end of his life a Cardinal. Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg Sections. ]), Prussian field marshal, reformer, and successful commander during the Wars of Liberation (1813–15) against France. In the subsequent campaigns, Yorck distinguished himself again and was created Graf von Wartenburg in 1814. Johann Yorck, count von Wartenburg, Yorck also spelled York, Johann also rendered Hans, (born Sept. 26, 1759, Potsdam, Prussia [now in Germany]—died Oct. 4, 1830, Klein-Öls, Silesia [now Oleśnica, Pol. Material Type: Biography: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Georg Schwaiger Governors and Prime ministers Other. Buy Joint Ownership by Sebastian Schmelz Graf von Wartenberg (eBook) online at Lulu. 1337 d. 1396: Geneagraphie - Families all over the world. He died on September 1, 1675 in Passau, Bayern, Germany. Koningshuis Adel. Genealogy profile for Georg Christian Anton Graf von Waldstein-Wartenberg. Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg (13 November 1904 – 8 August 1944) was a German jurist and a member of the German Resistance against Nazism. (The Field Marshal's courageous signing of theConvention of Tauroggen, originally unauthorized by the king and thusin effect treasonous, started the Prussian War of Liberation againstNapoleon in 1813. Yorck entered the Prussian army in 1772 but was cashiered for disobedience in 1779. She came to Berlin as wife to Kammersekretär Peter Biedekap and there fell in love with Johann. Stecher: Kilian, Lucas Dated: 1631. Promoted to major general in 1807, Yorck, as inspector of light infantry, played a leading role in the reorganization of the Prussian army. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Ferdinand von Bayern (15501608) war ein Sohn des Herzogs Albrecht V. von Bayern (15281579) aus dessen Ehe mit Erzherzogin Anna von Österreich (15281590), der zweiten Tochter von Kaiser Ferdinand I. Governors General Prime Ministers Showbiz. Juli 1944 zählte. Emanuel was born on February 2 1731, in Duchcov,Duchcov,Czechoslovakia. Frequently, however, a general is a staff officer who does not command troops but who plans their operations in the…. The Prussian king Frederick William III signed the Treaty of Kalisch (Feb. 28, 1813), which justified Yorck’s action and brought Prussia into the Allied camp. As the population's troubles mounted, crown-prince Frederick William intervened and Johann's cabal fell. Karl Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg. Johann Kasimir Kolbe von Wartenberg (6 February 1643, Wetterau - 4 July 1712, Frankfurt am Main) was the first ever Minister-President (effectively Prime Minister) of the kingdom of Prussia, and the head of the "Cabinet of Three Counts ".. Life. Politische Correspondenz Des Grafen Franz Wilhelm Von Wartenberg, Bischofs Von Osnabrück, Aus Den Jahren 1621-1631...: Forst, Hermann, Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg (Graf von): Libros en idiomas extranjeros Ferdinand Arnošt Josef Gabriel hrabě z Valdštejna a Vartenberka, německy Ferdinand Ernst Joseph Gabriel Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg (24. března 1762 Vídeň – 26. května 1823 Vídeň) byl tajný rada v Bonnu, generálporučík britské armády, komtur řádu německých rytířů a jeden z nejvýznamnějších podporovatelů Ludwiga van Beethovena. Moreover, he did not hold these offices one after the other, but instead all at once, in a kind of personal union, thus making him able to fill the court with systematic corruption and enrich himself shamelessly. Discover life events, stories and photos about Clemens Graf von Waldstein-Wartenberg (1935-1996) of Vienna, , Wien, Austria. Corrections? The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain".This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. Die Grafen von Wartenberg waren ein bayerisches Adelsgeschlecht, das vom Herrscherhaus der Wittelsbacher abstammte. Genealogy profile for Graf Joseph von Waldstein Herr zu Wartenberg Graf Joseph Maria Franz Adam Emanuel von Waldstein (1874 - 1932) - Genealogy Genealogy for Graf Joseph Maria Franz Adam Emanuel von Waldstein (1874 - 1932) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of … Adolf Ernst Maria Kristian Josef Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg., Recipients of the Order of the Black Eagle, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 June 2020, at 20:06. Faustus Florian Graf von und zu Hoensbroech was born on 1 March 1969. In his youth he was Oberstallmeister and Geheimer Rat in the council of Mary of Orange (1642–1688), sister-in-law of the Great Elector and wife of Pfalzgraf Ludwig Heinrich von Simmern (1640–1674). Ferdinand Lorenz, Graf von Wartenberg, Statthalter von Burghausen 1606-1666; Maria Klara Theresia von Wartenberg 1608-1635 Sources. Diese auf Herzog Ferdinand von Bayern zurückgehende Ferdinandinische Linie der Wittelsbacher ist nicht zu verwechseln mit den zahlreichen anderen Familien dieses Namens. In 1704 the king successfully petitioned the Holy Roman Emperor to promote Johann to the rank of Reichsgraf of Wartenberg. First published in 1897 1 edition — 1 previewable Read Listen. )Paul Yorck's father, Ludwig David Yorck von Wartenburg, managedthe family's estate at Klein-Oel… Kaiser Gotha Landadel Politiker Berühmte Personen. It made the Field Marshal Yorck a national hero. It's all about family. He is the son of Reinhart Graf von und zu Hoensbroech and Maria Immaculata Erzherzogin von Österreich. along with those already mentioned, he also held the offices of marshal of the kingdom of Prussia, protector of the Royal Academy, chancellor of the Order of the Black Eagle, Oberstallmeister, Oberaufseher of the royal castles, Oberhauptmann of all the Schatullenämter, postmaster general. Download Image of Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm Graf. On her death he transferred to the service of Frederick III of Brandenburg, where he rose quickly through the ranks - in 1691 he became Schlosshauptmann of Berlin, in 1694 Hauptmann der Dompropstei Havelberg, in 1696 Oberstallmeister and Oberkammerherr. Sebastian Graf von Ledebur-Wicheln was born on 10 November 1997 at Vienna, Austria G. 1 He was the son of Benedikt Graf von Ledebur-Wicheln and Sophie Gräfin von Waldstein-Wartenberg. Baltic Nobiliy. by Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm Graf von. English: Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg (13 November 1904 – 8 August 1944) was a German jurist and a member of the German Resistance against Nazi Germany. His course was marked by a proliferation in the offices he was awarded - Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …but one of his generals, Johann, Graf (count) Yorck von Wartenburg, who decided on his own initiative to cooperate with the Russians. Primary Sources; References; Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg was born in Germany on 13th November, 1904. He also introduced taxes on wigs, hats, stockings and carriages, as well as the precursor of a coffee tax (whoever wanted tea, coffee or cocoa had to acquire a license, costing two taler a year). 1294 d. 27 Sep 1362: Geneagraphie - Families all over the world Geneagraphie - Families all over the world Reigning Deposed Extinct He studied law and politics in Bonn and Breslau from 1923 to 1926, gaining his doctorate in Breslau in 1927 and passing the civil service entrance examination for lawyers in Berlin in 1930. See: Waldstein, Ferdinand, Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg zu Dux, 1762-1823 Only hesitatingly and fearfully did Frederick William III then agree in February 1813 to a war against France, although many Prussians greeted the outbreak of the conflict with…, General, title and rank of a senior army officer, usually one who commands units larger than a regiment or its equivalent or units consisting of more than one arm of the service. His initiative in signing a separate neutrality agreement with Russia during the Napoleonic invasion of that country (Convention of Tauroggen, 1812) opened the way for Prussia to join the Allied powers against Napoleon. Johann Ferdinand Ernst Graf von Wartenberg was born on May 20, 1630, son of Ernst Benno von Bayern and Euphrasyne Sibylle von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. In 1812 Yorck led the Prussian contingent of Napoleon’s invading army in Russia. Johann Kasimir Kolbe, Graf von Wartenberg (6 February 1643, in Wetterau – 4 July 1712, in Frankfurt am Main) was the first ever Minister-President (effectively Prime Minister) of the kingdom of Prussia, and the head of the "Cabinet of Three Counts". Count Paul Yorck von Wartenburg was born in Berlin on March 1, 1835.His grandfather was the famous Field Marshal Hans David Ludwig Yorckvon Wartenburg. Count of Wartenberg. A cousin of Claus von Stauffenberg he studied law and politics in Bonn before gaining his doctorate in Breslau in 1927. Johann Yorck, count von Wartenburg, Yorck also spelled York, Johann also rendered Hans, (born Sept. 26, 1759, Potsdam, Prussia [now in Germany]—died Oct. 4, 1830, Klein-Öls, Silesia [now Oleśnica, Pol. Geneagraphie - Families all over the world : Reigning Deposed Extinct. Franz Wilhelm, Count von Wartenberg (born at Munich, 1 March 1593; died at Ratisbon, 1 December 1661) was a Bavarian Catholic Bishop of Osnabrück, expelled from his see in the Thirty Years' War and later restored, and at the end of his life a Cardinal. On the fall of first minister Eberhard von Danckelmann in 1697 he became minister and finance minister and quickly eliminated his competitors Hans Albrecht von Barfus and Paul von Fuchs via targeted intrigue and filled important court posts with his henchmen. Kardinal Franz Wilhelm von Wartenberg als Bischof von Regensburg (1649-1661). Updates? Genealogy for Georg Christian Anton Graf von Waldstein-Wartenberg (1743 - 1791) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. He passed civil service entrance examination for lawyers in Berlin in 1930 and later that year he married Marion Winter. November 1904 auf Gut Klein Oels (heute: Oleśnica Mała) bei Ohlau, Niederschlesien; 8. Joining the Dutch army, he served mainly in the Dutch East Indies, where he became familiar with skirmish warfare and open battle formations. Emmanuel was born on February 2 1731, in Cseh Köztársaság. After their marriage, she became the king's official mistress. Heinrich I. von Podiebrad, Herzog von Schlesien-Münsterberg-Oels Graf von Glatz 1448-1498 Zdenka (Sidonie) von Podiebrad , Prinzessin von Böhmen 1449-1510 Georg von Podiebrad, König von Böhmen 1458-1471 1420-1471 Married in 1450 to Johanna von Rosenthal †1475 with : He was married in the year 1671 in Passau, Niederbayern, Bavaria to Maria Anna Elisabeth Gräfin von Salm-Neuburg, they gave birth to 1 child. On 18 January 1701, at Frederick's coronation in Königsberg, it was Johann who was allowed to place the purple cloak on him, and in the same year he became prime minister. Franz Adam von Waldstein-Wartenberg was born on month day 1759, at birth place, to Emmanuel Philibert Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg and Maria Anna Theresia Waldstein (born von Liechtenstein). August 1944 in Berlin-Plötzensee) war ein deutscher Jurist und prominenter Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, der zum Kern der Verschwörer vom 20. He married Marion Winter that same year. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg (* 13., Military History Encyclopedia on the Web - Biography of Field Marshal Hans David Ludwig Yorck, Graf von Wartenburg. She was of middle-class origin, as the daughter of a tax collector for the Brandenburg court to the Duchy of Cleves in Emmerich am Rhein. As a result of the battle, the Graf von Yorck was granted "von Wartenburg" to his title, for his performance in the action.. Graf Cenek von Wartenberg b. Waldstein-Wartenberg, Ferdinand Ernst Joseph Gabriel, Graf von, 1762-1823) Editorial Notes [THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED] Johann and his ministers, Oberhofmarschall Graf August von Wittgenstein (14 April 1663 – 1735) and Generalfeldmarschall Graf Alexander Hermann von Wartensleben (1650–1734) − the "three great W(oes)" of Prussia (Wartenberg, Wartensleben, Wittgenstein) – raised and wasted national taxation. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. He was descended from Generals Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia and Johann David Ludwig Graf Yorck von Wartenburg, who were both his great-great-grandfathers. 1 Citations [ S3182 ] Isabelle Maltais, "re: van Oranje-Nassau," e-mail … FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization dedicated to connecting families across generations. An excellent tactician, he became the tactical teacher of the army, developing the infantry scout and the line of skirmishes. Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg, Graf von; Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg, Graf von; Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg, Graf von: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg, Graf von; Joachim Foerster. He married Desiree Prinzessin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, daughter of Wilhelm Ernst Prinz von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach and Eva Kovarcz, on 8 July 2000. Omissions? Download for print-disabled Subjects Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648, Diaries, Diplomatic history, History, Peace of Westphalia, Sources, Accessible book, Correspondence. Download Image of Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm Graf. Johann Kasimir Kolbe, Graf von Wartenberg (6 February 1643, in Wetterau – 4 July 1712, in Frankfurt am Main) was the first ever Minister-President (effectively Prime Minister) of the kingdom of Prussia, and the head of the "Cabinet of Three Counts". 1861-1884. His conservatism, however, led him to oppose the liberal army reforms proposed by General August Neidhardt von Gneisenau. About FamilySearch. of Regensburg; Franz Wilhelm Wartenberg, Graf von; Franz Wilhelm, Osnabrück Bischof. He was also assisted by his wife Catharina Rickert (1670, Lobith - 1734, The Hague). Bd., 1971: p. 185 (Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm, Graf von) Editorial Notes [THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED] 1 Individual, birth, death: Haeutle S. 205 Photos and archival records {{ media.short_title }} {{ media.date_translated }} Search the original records München, K. Zink, 1954 (OCoLC)654250483: Named Person: Franz Wilhelm von Wartenberg, Bp. Father: Johannes Ferdinand, Graf von Wartenberg (1630-1675) Mother: Maria Anna Elisabeth, Gräfin von Salm-Neuburg (1650-1698) Spouses: 1) - 2) - Maria Johanna Baptista von … By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1868-1930. Although the battle was a small skirmish as far as actions go, the battle did cause Blücher's Army of Silesia to gain a foothold on the west bank of the Elbe for the first time. Johann's son Kasimir (1699) later became a general under Frederick William I of Prussia. Visit the Lulu Marketplace for product details, ratings, and reviews. Graf Jesek von Wartenberg b. Wartenberg was also a member of the "der Bessere" company. During Napoleon’s disastrous retreat, he concluded the Tauroggen Convention with the Russians, neutralizing his force. After reinstatement in the Prussian army (1787), he fought in Poland (1794) and successfully commanded the rear guard after Napoleon’s rout of the Prussian army at Jena (October 1806). Results [edit | edit source]. For example, Johann made August Reichsgraf zu Sayn-Wittgenstein director of salt mines in 1705, and then used the opportunity to raise the salt tax and thus increase his receipts.