Welcome to Timeline - the home of world history. This … 2 days ago. Shop exclusive HISTORY gear from your favorite shows like The Curse of Oak Island, Forged in Fire, Ancient Aliens & more! Add The History Channel to your Watchlist to find out when it's coming back. Maximum record of a selected channel (the indoor sensor or one of the outdoor transmitters, depending on the user's selection) b. und Abwicklung des Programms "The Biography Channel" auf der Plattform der Kabel Deutschland GmbH (KDG) abschließen. … Blackjack" on Game Show Network (GSN), and "Sucker Bets" on Travel Channel. Login. We Shall Not Die Now - … Sky HISTORY is partnering with Ancestry, the world's leading resource for online family history. UFO HUNTERS follows the team of Bill Birnes, Kevin Cook and Pat Uskert, as they investigate UFO cases around the world. My Account. History Of Wars. Your favorite show moments, characters & gear are now available. Danny investigates a Satellite Sebring but has a hard time making a deal. Auf dem 40. Did Richard Duke of York Consider Becoming King of Ireland? He wasn’t. With time running short, Ryan needs everyone working at lightning speed to complete both. Germany - Germany - History: Germanic peoples occupied much of the present-day territory of Germany in ancient times. Its faster than calling or ordering in-store. Vikings S6 E9: Resurrection 45:22 Jan 29, 2020. The German version launched on November 14, 2004, and is operated by The History Channel Germany GmbH & Co. KG, a joint venture between A+E Networks and NBC Universal Global Networks Germany. He lectures internationally, and has made keynote presentations at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, and the International Society for the, Er hält international Vorträge und hat Grundsatzreden bei der internationalen Wissenschaft und Bewusstseins Konferenz, und der Internationallen Gesellschaft für das, Some of the shows that he has appeared on includes: "48 hours" and "The Ultimate Blackjack Tour". c. Durchschnittliche Luftfeuchtigkeits- und Temperaturmesswerte eines gewählten Kanals (ermittelt aus den letzten 100 Speicherwerten). But Danny can't stop at paint, he adds the ultimate accessory a matching chopper that fits in the back. flipped into Stories. The project received the main prize of the competition "City of the Future". HISTORY. Vikings S6 E10: The Best Laid Plans 48:52 Feb 5, 2020. d. Taupunkttemperatur eines gewählten Kanals. Visite-nos em https://history… Watch on Global App . to cablecom digital tv's 24-hour program menu. aufgenommen worden sind, bieten für diese Zuschauergruppen rund um die Uhr erstklassige Inhalte. After months of bribery, bickering and buffoonery, Roli's tiny electric car is complete. Then, in 1939, this happy-go-lucky resort suddenly found itself the only British soil to be occupied by German forces during WWII. Welcome to the official U.S. This will clear your Bing search history on this device. Buyer to pay shipping and insurance if … * The Jewish War on German … That version of the History Channel is long gone today, and in its place we have a scandal-ridden reality TV outlet called History. Long ago, when the internet was young and facts still had meaning, there was a television network known as the History Channel. Whether you have questions about programming, a technical issue or the History Channel mobile application, select the "submit a request" option, found near the upper right corner of the channel… HISTORY Support. Former CIA operative Ben Smith embarks on a new investigation that includes a cryptographic analysis of the journal, a high tech geological study of the crash site, and interviews with witnesses who have never spoken publicly. Others spoke of alien bodies, and extreme government intimidation. 0013-11-16 General Tiberius' (later Emperor) triumphant procession through Rome after … - Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) // From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The project won first place in the competition City of the, availability and use of more environmentally-friendly. Rest of the World--$15. Watch DIRECTV ; Movies ; TV Shows ; Sports ; For Kids ; Networks ; Guide ; Playlist ; History HD Live Stream {{channel… The citizen in the European Union: in the context of the future development of the enlarged EU, addressing the issues of achieving a sense of democratic "ownership" and active participation by the peoples of Europe; effective and democratic governance at all levels including economic and legal governance and the role of … Long ago, when the internet was young and facts still had meaning, there was a television network known as the History Channel. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Doughnut Automation . The Northwest Territories and Manitoba; British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and … The US government claimed it was a weather balloon and then changed its story. Then Mike and Ryan check out a super rare all original '69 Mach 1 Mustang. In German-speaking countries, History is operated by History Channel Germany, which was a joint venture of A&E Networks and NBC Universal Global Networks Germany. The History Channel uses Zendesk to handle questions and comments sent online for a variety of customer-related concerns. © 2020, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "History Channel". Flu; Why the 1918 Flu Pandemic Never Really Ended history.com - Dave Roos. Only Optik TV offers the most 4K entertainment. Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market … In normal display mode, press to toggle between the following view mode: a. Danny and Kevin check out the 1940 Dodge rat rod Horny Mike told them about to see if it's a buy, or a bust. Subscription . Canadian history does not begin with the arrival of European explorers over 500 years ago; people have been living in the country that we now call Canada for thousands of years. Every week we'll be bringing you one-off documentaries and series from the world's top broadcasters, including the BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and PBS. Now, the Marcel family has come forward with a journal found among Marcel's possessions. Between projects, Kevin and Ryan spot an awesome 1953 Chevy Lowrider, and pull it over for closer inspection. The first half of Vikings season 6 made its way to History Channel earlier this year and is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. As the German army stormed through France in June 1940, some 30,000 Channel Islanders (one third of the total population) were evacuated. Get DIRECTV 1-888-777-2454 . Aqui no Youtube você encontra vídeos exclusivos, transmissões especiais ao vivo e o melhor de suas séries favoritas. Danny and the crew go all in, building the ultimate, fully customized 1968 Dodge Charger, while Ryan and Shannon make a father and son's dream come true restoring their incredible 1959 Harley Davidson Panhead Chopper. Pick a day: December 17. The epic conclusion of #Vikings is coming to HISTORY starting January 1 9EP. HISTORY. He was a part of production teams for nationally, This name may sound familiar if you watched all the, Dieser Name kann vertraut klingen, wenn Sie alle, He has produced five television documentaries and, appeared on national television programs including, Er hat fünf Fernsehdokumentationen produziert und tritt. Einiges von zeigt, dass er an einschließt erschienen ist: 48 Stunden" und der entscheidende. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Danny acquires a `74 Ford F100 he can't wait to trick out and flip for a big profit. A cryptic journal sparks an unprecedented investigation into whether a UFO crashed at Roswell, NM in 1947. Explore the latest discoveries in history and archaeology from the ancient world to the modern era. Missed an episode of your favorite HISTORY show? Mutiny on the Bounty: To the Ends of the Earth and Back TV. This is not a good example for the translation above. It featured shows about history. History Hit - AN ONLINE ONLY CHANNEL FOR HISTORY FANS. NO RESERVE! A race measured in battles waged against very different backdrops, from blasted urban wastelands … But an unexpected hiccup threatens to derail the whole project. A customer asks Shannon to restore his 1979 Iron Head Sportster that's more a pile of parts than a bike. I tried to purchase this from the History Channel shop (as a full 32 disc set)a few months ago but they would not … Cookies and other … Log in. Oak Island metal detection expert, Gary Drayton joins a relative of Butch Cassidy on a treasure hunt to the legendary robber's roost and unearths a piece of outlaw treasure history. Lär dig mer om alla program som sänds här på HISTORY. in Verbindung mit Erdbeben, Terroristenanschlägen. December 19 . The journal may contain coded-clues to the truth behind Roswell. The Laginas are astounded to learn that on a trip to Arizona, Gary Drayton may have gotten to the bottom of one the biggest treasure mysteries of all time, one that has resulted in countless deaths and disappearance for those obsessed with finding it. After personally investing in a treasure hunt off the coast of Florida, Marty Lagina and Craig Tester are thrilled when their search uncovers rare and historical artifacts. Danny is commissioned to custom paint a brand new pick-up for a charity auction for the local YMCA. Full Episodes All Seasons Watch on Global App. On your device (or if sync is turned on, across your synced devices) Download history. Already an Optik TV customer? Minimum record of a selected channel c. Average humidity and temperature readings of a selected channel (over the last 100 values stored in, memory of a selected channel f. Calibration, mode of humidity and temperature of a selected channel. Meanwhile Ryan and Mike meet Spence, who has a couple of cool `56 Chevys in his driveway, and they bring Danny back to try to convince Spence to sell him one, or both of them. It Was Said, a limited documentary podcast series, looks … Events 1 - 100 of 2,187. Need to set up your online account space? Although the exact place, time, and person responsible for creating the doughnut are unknown, there are a few events in the history of the doughnut that stand out. History’s website and apps offers US cable subscribers the chance to watch popular History shows like Ancient Aliens, Pawn Stars, Vikings, American Pickers, Counting Cars, and Mountain Men online. Danny sneaks a peek at a1948 Olds that looks like it needs a lot of love that he's willing to give but only if it's a good deal. History Germany. York and Brickbox in Prague, Czech Republic, Neben unseren meisten Kunden, die ihre Prozesse kontinuierlich auf Basis von automatisierten Workflows erweitern, haben sich seit der IBC im September auch neue. Forgot email or Access ID? ... Benedict Arnold - History Channel - The Revolution 7/13 Treason and Betrayal. Meanwhile, Ryan and Ghetto Bob give a very rare 1963 Split window Corvette a wicked facelift. technologies, given the unique microclimate and location of the city. News Record (ENR) for his expertise on the strengthening of structures, particularly related to earthquakes, terrorist attacks and other potential structural disasters. Geschichte erleben. Check if it is available to stream online via "Where to … When a young treasure hunter tells Rick and Marty he is hunting for the long lost treasure of pirate Jean Lafitte, the brothers are so intrigued they send Matty Blake to assist in a dangerous dive to further the search. The URLs of sites you've visited, and the dates and times of each visit. The history exhibition, which won an award fromtheHistory Channel,tells of the dreams and hopes which led these people to emigrate, as well as the fears they had and what they experienced on the journey [...] … While the C More Films movie channel has been available since mid-April of this year, the new, Bereits Mitte April 2005 wurde der Filmkanal C More Film ins. über das Märchen der "Doug and Dave" Geschichten in ein Reich hinaus, das euch ein Gefühl dafür gibt, worum es wirklich geht. Bring your backstory to life in this series of sponsored articles. Start your 7-day free trial now. 1118. The concept of fried dough is not exclusive to one country or culture and variations of the doughnut can be seen across the globe. Danny has decided to have his guys each find, and take a picture with, their dream car for the back cover. Rick and Marty's good friend and world class wreck diver, John Chatterton, heads south to search for a never recovered Spanish ship off the coast of Florida, and Gary Drayton shares with the brothers his most compelling, and valuable, find ever. Subscription. Nordlingen, Germany - Historic German Town - Walk through the town. Sadly, in a Ranker poll, this show is the 13th best show on the History Channel, beaten by shows like American Pickers, Pawn Stars, and The Curse of Oak Island. Meanwhile, Mike and Paul find a Rolls Royce that used to belong to Donny and Marie Osmond. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Old timers might remember the History Channel as a stream of World War II documentaries, but a lot has changed since then. On your device. What really crashed in Roswell? History Channel’s Ancient Aliens calls local historian Ray Johnson an Egyptologist. See what's on History and watch On Demand on your TV or online! While Lonnie tricks out the inside, Ryan uses some insane painting techniques to give it the full Count's Kustoms treatment. Check the HISTORY show schedule and find out when your favorite shows are airing. Including Netflix titles in 4x the detail of HD, … Canada’s original inhabitants; The new Dominion of Canada. Watch full episodes of your favorite HISTORY series, and dive into thousands of historical articles and videos. This is an incomplete list of television programs formerly or currently broadcast by History/H2 in the United States Lonnie, one of the shop's long time painters, wants to give his Lincoln lowrider a new, but simple, paint job but that's not going to happen. As a US Army intelligence officer, Marcel was the first government official at the crash site. Investigator Ben Smith is taken to a secret location believed to be the real resting place of the airborne object, as a local archeologist finds evidence that a military cleanup may have taken place. "History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind." But the duo must quickly come to terms with the complicated world of treasure ownership. e. Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur eines gewählten Kanals. But can he convince the owner to let it go? Major Jesse Marcel, the first government official on the scene, believed to his dying day that an extraterrestrial spaceship plummeted to earth and the U.S. government covered it up. Other articles where History of Germany is discussed: Germany: History: Germanic peoples occupied much of the present-day territory of Germany in ancient times. Watch on Global App. For even more HISTORY commercial free - download HISTORY Vault. All Rights Reserved. Danny must give up his prized 1972 Monte Carlo for one of his biggest clients, and is counting on his team to get the job done in one week. A former CIA operative's investigation into the Roswell crash arrives at a critical moment when the mysterious journal found among the possessions of Major Jesse Marcel undergoes a crucial test. It Was Said - Season 1. Channel selection guide. Log in. Find cast bios, videos, and exclusive content on history.com An unthinkable 50 to 100 million … Danny and Shannon are in motorcycle heaven when they are asked to restore a rare 1957 Harley Davidson Pan head prototype. While he's a mechanical maestro under the hood, his paint skills are lacking so he enlists Ryan to make it look as mean as it will run. Please see my auctions for more CDs and Beatles . Stream thousands of documentaries and series from 25 years of HISTORY Channel for $4.99/month or $49.99/year. History. Historical Events. und anderen potentiellen Katastrophen von verschiedenen Medien präsentiert, wie zum Beispiel CNN, History Channel, National Public Radio und Engineering News Record (ENR). While Shannon's busy returning this motorcycle to its former glory, Danny checks out some rare old cars, including a Model A Ford, a French Citroen, and a 67 Firebird. Canada’s History Society is a national charitable organization with a programming budget of $2.7 million annually. Whether you have questions about programming, a technical issue or the History Channel mobile application, select the "submit a request" option, found near the upper right corner of the channel… To know History is to know life. Meanwhile Ryan and Mike go for the ride of their lives in a 1965 Fastback Mustang. The channel began as the History Channel on 15 November 2004, and changed its name to History on 11 January 2009. The channel broadcasts its full program in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Catch up on your favorite History shows. This historic motorcycle has spent 20 years in the client's living room but now it's time to once again get its motor running. And former Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba drops off his latest super car for a little Count's Kustom's magic. Subscription. The list of files you've downloaded from the web. Einschränkungen -laufend Leistungssteigerungen. Create Account. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. The Germanic peoples are those who spoke one of the Germanic languages, and they thus originated as a group with the so-called first sound shift (Grimm’s law), which … Ryan works on a secret project for chopper shop Bones Legacy, while a Chevy Impala that redefines "lowrider" blinds Mike and Roli. Bem-vindo ao canal oficial do HISTORY no Youtube, o principal destino de séries, documentários e produções originais que conectam os espectadores à história de maneira informativa, envolvente e divertida, em todas as plataformas. A former lead agent of the Defense Department's top-secret UFO investigative unit follows the evidence of UFO sightings reported by … Ryan and Kevin find theirs, as do Shannon and Doc, but Mike and Roli go rogue and decide to make their own, very different kind of calendar. Afonso the Battler, the Christian King of Aragon captures Saragossa, Spain, causing a major … The citizen in the European Union: in the context of the future development of the enlarged EU, addressing the issues of achieving a sense of democratic "ownership" and active participation by the peoples of Europe; effective and democratic governance at all levels including economic and legal governance and the role of … Catch up on your favorite History shows. von umweltfreundlichen Technologien, die einzigartige Mikroklima und die Lage der Stadt. See what's on History HD and watch On Demand on your TV or online! Horny Mike makes a risky gamble on something near and dear to Danny's heart. German Television Channel based in Florida (discontinued in May 2007) … In the German-speaking world, the non-functional digital transmitter is operated in a joint venture between NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland GmbH and A+E … Check back later The shoddily tested and hastily approved drug made its way into medicine cabinets around the world, and a decade after its release, the reality is becoming clear: Thalidomide is killing babies. A&E is a registered trademark of The History Channel (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG. This only deletes the list, not the actual files that you've downloaded. That version of the History Channel is long gone today, and in its place we have a scandal-ridden reality TV outlet called History. Find show info, videos, and exclusive content on HISTORY Här finns det både läsmaterial och videor om dina favorit historiska ämnen. But after The Count falls in love with the truck and decides he wants to keep it, Kevin must sell it before Danny catches on. History "History Channel: Decisive Battles: Herman The German (History)" . HISTORY is alive. The History Channel uses Zendesk to handle questions and comments sent online for a variety of customer-related concerns. Region 0 --NTSC. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! History Channel an internationale Sender. CONTACT US. Latest. Forgot password? And witnesses describe a series of bizarre events surrounding the now legendary crash, while an incredible new technology attempts to read words on a 70 year old photograph that may hold clues to the mystery: Did an extraterrestrial spaceship crash at Roswell? Go to history.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives. im nationalen amerikanischen Fernsehen auf, z.B. 45,066 talking about this. und Brickbox in Prag für das CEITON Workflow System entschieden. Tutustu tarkemmin HISTORY kanavan TV-ohjelmiin, runsaasti lisää luettavaa ja katsottavaa sinua kiinnostavista historiallisista aiheista. Danny and Ryan have big plans for a low riding Lincoln. Get DIRECTV. He was a self-professed amateur enthusiast who died in 2004. Channel: {{channel.chNum}} {{channel.chName}} Checking Streaming Options Watch Now To tune to this show, your Computer must be joined to the same Wi-Fi network as your receiver. Produktionsaufträge über die Vertonung, Verpackung. Your search history isn't available right now. It is one of only 3 towns that has its city walls intact.The city, located in Bavaria, sits on a pile of diamonds. SIGN UP. It's pretty sad when bullsh*t "reality" tv shows beat out a show that is actually relevant to the title of the channel; an actual educational show about history! It's all hands on deck when Danny and the guys get to work transforming a 1960 Volkswagen Bus into a high end luxury beach cruiser. HISTORY is alive. In 1920, Russian-born immigrant Adolph … Danny and Roli come across a 1974 Nova that would make for a great flip but the owner isn't ready to let her go. The origin of the doughnut is heavily debated. Stream thousands of documentaries and series from 25 years of HISTORY Channel for $4.99/month or $49.99/year. The new History … «ESPN Classic Sports» und «NASN» dazugekommen. HISTORY Programming & History.com; HISTORY Vault; HISTORY Apps Check out HISTORY's shows lineup. This incredibly harsh period of Channel Islands history can be seen in numerous, poignant sites, including the many highly visible German fortifications. Das Projekt gewann den ersten Platz im Wettbewerb "Stadt der. Will he win big, or fold in failure? The channel began as the History Channel on 15 November 2004, and changed its name to History on 11 January 2009. Will Danny and the guys be as excited about the finished product as he is? World War II: Ultimate Collections is a comprehensive and intimate survey of this epic war.THE HISTORY CHANNEL® has collected nearly 30 of its greatest World War II documentaries each packed with original archival footage … Manage your channels online. Tweet * If you haven't already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE Report & FREE Updates List at bottom of page. d1xvdtpa0005; Submit search. German History. DVD is in Very Good condition. Danny finds the perfect car--a 1966 Corvette Stingray. The development of steel can be traced back 4000 years to the beginning of the Iron Age. The Germanic peoples are those who spoke one of the Germanic languages, and they thus originated as a group with the so-called first sound shift (Grimm’s law), which turned a Proto-Indo-European dialect … Event of Interest. History is an American cable television channel that is owned by A+E Networks. Find out more about the shows on Sky HISTORY's TV channel, with plenty to read and watch on your favourite historical topics. dxvdtpa013; Submit search. The German pharmaceutical company Grunenthal is charged with the worst medical disaster in history: the Thalidomide scandal. Register now. About Youtuber Videos on history of different wars. Get DIRECTV 1-888-777-2454 . Nordlingen is a historic German town built inside a meteorite crater. Danny wants Ryan to fix a bad flame job on his beloved police cruiser that's been sitting in the shop for years. Three channels tailored specifically to these interests. Later, MLB pitcher Matt Mantei commissions Danny to build the world's baddest family truck. But the l... 403; 3 months ago; Not Rated; 01:40:15. Nordlingen, Germany - Historic German Town - Walk through the town. Nordlingen is a historic German town built inside a meteorite crater. die Theorie des einsamen bewaffneten Banditen". See what's on History and watch On Demand on your TV or online! Today in History: December 18 . "The Biography Channel" on the platform of Kabel Deutschland GmbH (KDG). A leading code-breaker continues his attempt to decipher the journal which may be written in a home-brewed code and contain hidden information about what happened at Roswell. phenomenon goes beyond the run of the mill "Doug and Dave" stories into a realm that gives you a feeling for what they're really all about. My Account. Italy [ edit ] … Frequency … zurück und erzielen - ungeachtet all dieser. in depth understanding of the crop circle. World War Two was a race to victory between the Allied and Axis powers. James K. Polk, the 11th president of the United States, is probably best known for growing the the size of the country by more than one-third. Das Projekt erhielt den Hauptpreis des Wettbewerbs "Stadt der Zukunft", Geographic zeigen einen Aufwärtstrend für d. week of programming that refuted the "lone gunman" theory. When Ryan and Ghetto Bob buy a '67 Pontiac GTO, they don't realize that Danny misses his old GTO so much, he might not let the client have this one! Home; Countries; Germany; Germany: Baden-Württemberg - Bavaria - Berlin - Bremen - Hamburg - Hessen - Lower Saxony - Northrhine-Westfalia - Prussia - Saxony. Fan Page for HISTORY®, the leading destination for … … By the early 1900s, many had shortened the word to “donut.” Today, “doughnut” and “donut” are used interchangeably in the English language. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, In addition, PLAZAMEDIA also succeeded in securing production. The first written record of the word “doughnut” is in Washington Irving’s 1809 publication, A History of New York. The huge photo shoot day for the Count's Kustoms calendar is approaching. Remember Pearl Harbor TV. Today in History is a timetable of everything that happened on this date in the areas of politics, war, science, music, sport, art, entertainment, and more. Need to set up your online account space? The latest in Philippine sports news plus up-to-date info on top international teams and athletes in basketball, football, boxing, MMA and other sports. $4 flat for US Shipping for as many as you want [Media Mail] & $12 to Canada. Start your 7-day free trial now. Meanwhile, the guys jump into high gear to restore a classic '66 Ford Mustang Fastback for Ghetto Bob's father. geht Herrn Silvas Verständnis des Kornkreisphänomens. Der Pay-TV Sender HISTORY zeigt aufwendige Dokumentationen zu historischen Ereignissen aller Epochen. Browsing history. The Universe: Startling Parallel Universes (S3, E2) | Full Episode | … It featured shows about history. history.com - Becky Little. For even more HISTORY commercial free - download HISTORY Vault. Blackjack-Ausflug" im CBS-Sendungsnetz, . This … History Germany. Meanwhile, Danny checks out a one-of-a-kind local car collection, including a lightning fast Shelby Mustang and a legendary 1950 Mercury known as "Black Magic.". The postwar years have seen the fishing, tourism … "Engine Whisperer" Doc has a cool '67 Firebird he's been working on. It is one of only 3 towns that has its city walls intact.The city, located in Bavaria, sits on a pile of diamonds. Meanwhile, the Count's Kustom's Crew takes Danny's latest SEMA creation, a '61 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, to a Palm Springs car auction to find a buyer. You can't undo it. von Blackjack" im Gameshow-Netz (GSN) und der Sauger wettet" auf Spielraum-Kanal. Founded in 1994 to popularize Canadian history, the society’s work includes: Canada’s History magazine, Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids, CanadasHistory.ca, and the Governor General’s History Awards. Jahrestag der Kennedy-Ermordung. Salisbury Plain: Training for War TV. World War II encompassed some of America's greatest triumphs and most bitter defeats. Proving to be harder and stronger than bronze, which had previously been the most widely used metal, iron began to displace bronze in weaponry and tools. As well as most of our clients who continuously enhance their processes based on automated Workflows, since the IBC in September new clients. Official shirts, hoodies, mugs, pint glasses & other merchandise exclusively from HISTORY - Shop now! In German-speaking countries, History is operated by History Channel Germany, which was a joint venture of A&E Networks and NBC Universal Global Networks Germany. Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market … Kevin is won over by a hotrod pick-up truck, Danny tracks down a customer's original 1969 Firebird but its terrible condition may make it impossible to restore, and an un-announced visitor causes drama at the shop. With stakes in Agenda Media (45 %) and Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion (25,1 %), the production portfolio of Studio Hamburg DocLights is now growing through the addition of business segments in the non-fiction domain: journalistic documentaries of Agenda Media as well as high-quality history and science formats of Gruppe 5 offer a broad range of complementarily conceived programs for the, Mit Beteiligungen an der Agenda Media (45 %) und der Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion (25,1 %) wird das Produktionsportfolio der Studio Hamburg DocLights um zusätzliche Geschäftsfelder im non-fiktionalen Bereich erweitert: Journalistische Dokumentationen der Agenda Media sowie die hochwertigen Geschichts- und Wissenschaftsformate der Gruppe 5, sowohl für das Hauptabendprogramm von ZDF, ARD, ARTE als auch für, In autumn 2007, the company took over exclusive production of, German-language versions of British and American documentaries for the new channels, Im Herbst 2007 wurde die exklusive Produktion von deutschsprachigen Versionen, englischer und amerikanischer Dokumentationen für, Radio, and in other media, including Engineering.