Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Industrie 4.0 (Englisch), B.Sc. International Marketing Decisions. Der Studienstart muss spätestens zum 31.01.2021 erfolgen. ICAN Education Consultant (Gading Serpong) Jl. Therefore, please reach out to IUBH Fernstudium student advisory team, in case you face uncertainties or you have further questions in regards to our distance learning programmes. Cyber Security 120 ECTS (Englisch), M.A. Learn more with the MBA.com Program Finder tool. What our students say about IUBH | Int. You will actively work on your soft skills such as communication skills and intercultural awareness. Die Rücksendung erfolgt dabei auf Kosten des Studierenden durch einen von dem externen Dienstleister bestellten Spediteur. Thinking of attending business school at IUBH Internationale Hochschule GmbH, IUBH University of Applied Sciences? days. IUBH School of Business and Management ( Univerzita aplikovaných věd) byla založena v roce 1998 a je považována za jednu z nejlepších v Německu. Ich willige ein, dass ich per E-Mail Informationen zum Studium, Veranstaltungen sowie Rabattaktionen der IUBH erhalten werde. MKG 667 – International Marketing Students will learn to devise an international marketing plan taking into account the overall international economic situation, the growing interaction of governments, international institutions, the global legal environment, the different cultures, etc. Data Science 60/120 ECTS (Deutsch). In addition to that, IUBH Fernstudium supports you with one of the most famous distance learning offerings in Germany, with over 35.000 students and an amazing variety of different study programmes. That means, that IUBH Online study programmes are not available to customers from the following countries (DACH region): Important note for people living outside Austria, Germany and Switzerland:If you make use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network), please deactivate it first, then clear your browser cache and afterwards please try again access IUBH Online (https://www.iubh-online.org) as IUBH Online offers 100% online study programmes exclusively to users living outside Austria, Germany and Switzerland. IUBH Fernstudium has a great study programme portfolio that also focusses on the distance learning approach. Wirtschaftsinformatik (Englisch), M.A. Welcome from the Dean . Redirecting to https://www.iubh-fernstudium.de/master/master-of-business-administration. Той разполага с три кампуса: в Берлин, в Бад Райхенхал и в Бад Хонеф, близо до Кьолн. Fachsemester BWL - Immobilienmanagement Prüfungsleistung im Fach Marketing Prof. Dr. Mischa Kolibius 06.02.2018 Ziele "Foto Platzieren Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 01.10.2021: M.A. IUBH gives you an opportunity to apply for one of our many scholarships, however our scholarships are only available to Non-EU students at this time. Für die Weiterbildungsprogramme Ökonom (IUBH) und die vier Betriebswirte (IUBH) wird der Rabatt ausschließlich auf ein Folgestudium im IUBH Fernstudium gewährt. 7 International Marketing 7.1 Marketing in International Business 7.2 Strategic Choices in International Marketing 7.3 Marketing Mix Choices in International Marketing Literatur: • Rugman A. M., Collinson S.: International Business, Pearson Longman; 6th revised edition; 2012 (ISBN: 0273760971) In case you want to make use of quality distance learning study programmes from IUBH, please make yourself aware of our IUBH Fernstudium offers. Game Design, B.Eng. Study at IUBH School of Business & Management The IUBH School of Business and Management is one of Germany's leading private universities. At IUP, you’ll take the business administration core courses. PREREQUISITE (IF ANY): MKT 201. Coaching und Supervision 120 ECTS, M.Sc. Coaching 60 ECTS, M.Sc. IUBH Campus Studies, Bad Honnef am Rhein, Germany. 176 waren hier. Die Aktion gilt nur für Ersteinschreibungen bis zum 20.12.2020 in unser Bachelor- und Master-Fernstudienprogramm und nur für Nicht-Studierende des IUBH Fernstudiums. With 'Attendee' status, IUBH Online gives you the opportunity to have exclusive early access to study programmes that are not yet publicly available. Immobilienmanagement 60/120 ECTS. That's why IUBH Online(WhatsApp: +49 30 311 987 20) has automatically forwarded you to our fantastic colleagues from IUBH Fernstudium, that offer well-known and high quality distance learning study programmes exclusively for people living in the DACH area. IUBH Internationale Hochschule GmbH IUBH University of Applied Sciences Juri-Gagarin-Ring 152 D-99084 Erfurt. El vendedor asume toda la … This MBA programme expands your knowledge of marketing specifically in the areas of international branding and marketing of products and services. Teilnehmer ohne Heimatadresse in Deutschland oder Österreich können das iPad erhalten, sofern sie eine deutsche oder österreichische Adresse hinterlegen. We hope we can welcome you soon as a new student of our great IUBH University.Stay healthy and take care, Your IUBH Fernstudium admission team, If you live outside of Austria, Germany or Switzerland, you can always contact the IUBH Online student recruitment team. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 15.01.2021: M.A. Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone. I acknowledge that by submitting this form, I am agreeing to be contacted by IUBH regarding the course that I have outlined. Studieren, wann und wo man will - zu jeder Zeit, an jedem Ort. Programe de licenta: 10.580€ - 10.780€ Programe de master: 10.580€ - 12.580€ MBA: 11.580€ - 14.580€ Burse. Regular class attendance is mandatory. Unfortunately it seems like, that you are not from an eligible country. The huge corporate demand for globally-oriented executives and IUBH’s excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates huge leverage for a successful career. Ausgenommen sind Teilnehmer im IUBH FlexLearning, der Unternehmenstrainings, Sonderprogramme und besonderer Kooperationen. Study over two or three years is particularly suitable for those who already have a large workload or those who would like to reduce the monthly costs. *Free German lessons are only available for on campus studies, not for online studies, “My family needs daily support, so IUBH Online offers me the best option to study and achieve a university degree while being there for my family.”, *Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm gmt +1, Saturday 8 am to 4 pm gmt +1, Elective A - Introduction: Global Brand Management, Elective A - Specialisation: Sales and Pricing, Elective B - Introduction: International Consumer Behaviour, Elective B - Specialisation: Applied Marketing Research, Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved, Use the opportunity to stand out from your international competition!*. You will expand your knowledge in marketing and sales related issues with a focus on international business management. The IUBH School of Business and Management, located in Bad Honnef, Bad Reichenhall and Berlin, is the centre of competence for Business Administration and Service Management.It stands for well-founded, sound scientific study and focuses particularly on promoting the work ethic and service mentality of … If you live in Austria, Germany or Switzerland, you can always get in contact with the IUBH Fernstudium student advisors. You can complete your MBA study in one, one and a half, two or three years. Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved, Wir rufen Dich gerne an! We hope we can welcome you soon as a new student of our great IUBH University.Stay healthy and take care, Your IUBH Online admission team. Elektrotechnik, B.Eng. Topic: Role of micro-credit program in development of women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh; Publication on SIU Studies, Volume 3 Number II, 2012, ISSN 1991-3052. hours. IUBH ShopLogin CARE CommunityWebmailer Sprache: English Deutsch Apply now Request brochure Apply now Request brochure You are here: Master Study programmes MBA with Major Marketing Career Master Business Administration: International Marketing Overview Programm Structure Fee Structure Admission Career What are my prospects? Do you still have questions? Entrepreneurship (Deutsch/Englisch), M.A. Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 01.05.2021: B.Sc. Eine Barauszahlung ist nicht möglich. An MBA in Marketing will open the door for a career as a marketing manager for a global company. In this video, Diego a student form IUBH will tell us about his experiences while studying in German. You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules. Our worldwide business partners, patrons and sponsors open up optimal opportunities for your career. IUBH ShopLogin CARE CommunityWebmailer Sprache: English Deutsch Apply now Request brochure Apply now Request brochure You are here: Master Study programmes Master International Hospitality Management Admission MENUMENUMENUMENUBachelor Study programmes International ManagementAviation ManagementInternational Aviation ManagementComputer ScienceDigital … The Orientation Programme is especially designed for students who want to study a course of their choice – without having to sign up for a full degree. 87 waren hier. UJ Department of Marketing Management _____ _____ The University of Johannesburg in partnership with the W&R SETA aspires to become a leading center of research and skills development for the wholesale and retail industry in South Africa. Austria, Germany, Switzerland: Please contact IUBH Fernstudium, International users: Please get in touch with IUBH Online, Pädagogik für Bildung, Beratung und Personalentwicklung, Betriebswirt/in im Gesundheitsmanagement (IUBH), Betriebswirt/in im Pflegemanagement (IUBH), Betriebswirt/in im Hotel-/Event-/Tourismusmanagement (IUBH). За IUBH - School of Business and Management International University of Business and Management e частен университет в Германия, основан е през 1998г. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 01.06.2021: M.Sc. Study over a longer period of time means a reduced weekly workload. Cancel Unsubscribe. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Duales Studium, die mittlerweile 21 Standorte verzeichnen kann! Our Alumni Community with over 7.000 professionals . An MBA in Marketing will thoroughly prepare you for various management functions with an emphasis on Marketing Management. Im Fall einer vorzeitigen Beendigung des Fernunterrichtsvertrags (z.B. IUBH International إدارة التعليم Erfurt، Thüringen 6,135 من المتابعين Campus Studies How you can study with us, what the prerequisites are and whether it’s right for you. IUBH shows you personal success stories of our students and how our study programmes can sustainably improve your life, too. With IUBH you can discover completely new career potentials. IUBH University of Applied Sciences Master in International Marketing Management course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more. Our faculty’s aim is to establish a superior seat of learning in Namibia and to train innovative specialists for both the public and private sector in Namibia and counties in the world. Bei Lieferverzögerungen durch Apple verzögert sich die Auslieferung entsprechend. Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 16.08.2021: B.A. The Faculty of Strategic Management and Leadership welcome all our new and returning students. seconds. (Montag bis Freitag von 08 bis 20 Uhr, Samstag 09 - 17 Uhr). Erfüllt der Studierende den Fernunterrichtsvertrag vertragsgemäß und beendet er sein Studium erfolgreich, so geht das Eigentum am iPad zum regulären Ende des Fernunterrichtsvertrags auf den Studierenden über. Therefore, please reach out to IUBH Online student recruiters, in case you face uncertainties or you have further questions in regards to our distance learning programmes. Taxe de scolarizare 2019/2020. We use cookies to ensure … Customers from DACH area (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) get automatically redirected to our colleagues from IUBH Fernstudium, which offer a great distance learning experience. Du erhältst in Kürze einen Anruf von Deinem persönlichen Studienberater. Cyber Security 60 ECTS (Deutsch), M.A. If you want to know more about IUBH Fernstudium and the different exciting study programmes, please inform yourself. Konzept der Social-Media-Kampagne "Foto Platzieren - Dual Studieren" für die IUBH Duales Studium Max Lau | Maximilian Bischoff | Tim Säuberlich 3. Es sind Personen von der Aktion ausgeschlossen, die bereits die (Online-)Anmeldung durchgeführt haben. Are you interested in an online study degree? Our vision is to take our degrees to those who normally wouldn't have an opportunity to study a European degree. Start: June 13, 2020 @ 12:45 pm. 40h bis 50h schätzen. Hosted By: Marco Tumbrock. In lieu with our aim to be a global university, business programmes at IUMW are meticulously designed to produce high-performing … Looking to join us as an international online student? in International Marketing Management program and download course brochure. B.A. Your professors will combine instruction in the technical areas of marketing with coursework designed to strengthen your analytical and communication skills. Points will be taken off for missing classes. Innenarchitektur. in International Marketing Management from School of Business fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. Supply Chain Management 120 ECTS. Using practice-oriented concepts, you will obtain skills in planning, implementation and control as well as international market launch and cultivation strategies. Thank you very much for showing interest in our IUBH Online international distance learning study programmes. Know How to get admission into IUBH University of Applied Sciences Master in International Marketing Management program & Apply via Shiksha.com. Kostenlos und jederzeit zu unseren Geschäftszeiten. Bitte versuche es erneut. Learn more about the different payment options we offer at IUBH Online. Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 03.11.2021: B.Sc. Duration: 210. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Fernstudium. Are you wondering how things can continue after graduation? IUBH Fernstudium offers a fully German state accredited, very high university degree standard and is a very well-known provider of a huge amount of MBA, Master and Bachelor distance study programmes in the DACH area. Dein Browser wird nur eingeschränkt unterstützt. This is more important than ever in current Corona crisis. 87 were here. minutes. Supply Chain Management 60 ECTS. Details. Bachelor in International Business Administration (IBA): The BSc at Rotterdam School of Management is an ideal start to a career in international business. Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 03.05.2021: B.Sc. An MBA in Marketing will thoroughly prepare you for various management functions with an emphasis on Marketing Management. Der Rabatt ist nicht mit anderen Aktions- und Kooperationsrabatten kombinierbar. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 01.04.2021: M.A. This is the official Facebook page of IUBH Campus Studies. ISB's stature as a research-oriented institution has grown rapidly since its inception in 2001. Университет предоставляет своим студентам возможность получить качественное образование в области бизнеса, сервиса и управления. IUBH Campus Studies, Bad Honnef am Rhein, Germany. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 15.01.2022: M.A. Sumita Das: Publication as a single author on Stamford Journal of Business Studies, Volume-5, Issue-1. Ich habe die Informationen zum Datenschutz zur Kenntnis genommen. The faculty of the indian school of business (ISB) are committed to generating knowledge and ideas to enhance management practice and learning in the classroom. Prof. Dr. Peter Thuy Amstgericht: Jena HRB 516133 UStID: DE259481187 Despite regular and careful examination of the content, it is possible that some information may have become outdated. VII 33-37 . You'll learn to employ professional marketing industry practices and creative problem-solving. Im Falle eines technischen Defekts, dem Austausch von Batterien oder Akkus oder bei anderen technischen Fragen erfolgt die Abwicklung über den externen Dienstleister. In Germany, skilled professionals are in very high demand, which creates enormous career opportunities for you. Gesundheits- und Pflegepädagogik, M.Sc. (Please make sure to deactivate VPN first). This is the official Facebook page of IUBH Campus Studies. Or would you like more insights about your chosen course? Personalentwicklung 120 ECTS. Angewandte Psychologie, B.A. We pride ourselves in offering our students well-organised study programmes with first-class curricula. Marketing Management. Cyber Security (Deutsch), M.A. Wirtschaftspsychologie. Robotics, B.Eng. Kelapa Puan Raya, Komplek Ruko Voronez CA 24 No. Das iPad bleibt während der gesamten Laufzeit des Fernunterrichtsvertrags Eigentum des Dienstleisters. Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 01.03.2021: B.A. Online Marketing 60/120 ECTS. At the end of the programme, students will have acquired an understanding of marketing's business, social and economic roles. We are particularly looking for professionals and otherwise busy individuals who would like to grow on a personal and professional level whilst still continuing their core duties. Since virtually every national and international company … durch Kündigung durch eine Partei oder aus anderen Gründen) hat der Studierende das iPad in funktionsfähigem Zustand innerhalb einer Woche nach Beendigung zurückzugeben. You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules. Die Auslieferung des iPads erfolgt in Abhängigkeit von der tatsächlichen Verfügbarkeit seitens Apple zeitnah nach dem Studienstart über unseren externen Dienstleister. Digitale Transformation 60/120 ECTS. 7 Gading Serpong, Tangerang Phone: 021-5421 2189, 021-5421 0200, 021-5422 0200 142K likes. Loading... Unsubscribe from IUBH Campus Studies? Cyber Security 60 ECTS (Englisch). Es fallen separate Kosten für die Datenübertragung an. COURSE POLICY: It is the student’s responsibility to gather information about the assignments and covered topics during the lectures missed. Marketing Management IUBH Campus Studies. IUBH Zusammenfassung Marketing I (BMAR01) Vollständige Zusammenfassung von Marketing I. Ich selbst habe nur mit dieser von mir erstellten Zusammenfassung gelernt und bestanden. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 15.07.2021: M.A. Jeder in diesem Zeitraum erstmalig neu an unserer Hochschule eingeschriebene Studierende in einen Bachelor- oder Masterstudiengang oder Teilnehmer einer Weiterbildung im Fernstudium der IUBH, mit Heimatadresse in Deutschland oder Österreich, erhält zur kostenfreien Nutzung für die gesamte Dauer seines Studiums ein iPad (WLAN-fähig, Bluetooth). The FAQ gives you relevant answers on your open questions about studying at IUBH. Personalentwicklung 60 ECTS. Management: Dr. Sven Schütt. Would you like to receive experience reports and career tips? Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Fernstudium. We prepare students for international careers in service management at three campuses: Bad Honnef, Bad Reichenhall and Berlin. Die Laufzeit der Kampagne ist zunächst bis zum 20.12.2020 begrenzt. Design exceptional and successful branding. Leider konnte dein Formular nicht übertragen werden. Zeitersparnis würde auf ca. Rate your chances of admission in IUBH University of Applied Sciences B.A. 144K likes. Cyber Security (Englisch), M.Sc. Flag this eBook. Cyber Security 120 ECTS (Deutsch), M.Sc. Timezone: Europe/Paris.