3 ... knowledge and a ideas to help improve something we like and appreciate: Strava! Segments are a community-created/moderated feature on Strava, anyone can create a segment and this means that they will sometimes unknowingly create duplicates or create segments from bad GPS data. Strava decided that the segment should be 'hidden' and so no trophy popped up on the feed. If you star another segment on the Strava website or mobile app, it will load on your device the next time you sync. Segment Achievements are only generated upon upload, and ONLY for unhidden segments. Yeah, Stravaholics from around the world can battle it out with other cyclists in their area any day and time they want. The overall popularity of a segment will determine whether it will be visible or hidden on your activity pages if you currently don't have preferences set for that segment. This is a ridiculously long and verbose tutorial on Strava segments. Segment Achievements are only generated upon upload, and ONLY for unhidden segments. 2:19. I would have redone the trail today, but since the foliage is dead I found a couple of ATV tracks that were hidden. Visit the Strava website for creating a … In addition, they will sometimes unknowingly create segments with incorrect spelling or inaccurate location names. If you've ever created a segment, the segment can be found in your list of created segments. Yeah, that's what I thought. But I guess only Strava themselves can do something about that. A great … I just struggle to find any real use for strava segments and actually enjoyed not having them on the one ride that strava disabled them for me (and lots of others that did the same ride). I have had Strava fix a segment for me once, but if you are trying to get several fixed or in general it's probably GPS accuracy that's causing it. You can hide and unhide segments to customize which segments will be visible to you throughout Strava. Show hidden efforts When there are too many segments/efforts on a particular ride, Strava hides them behind a "Show X hidden efforts" button. The user has the ability to customize which segments are shown on Activity Detail pages and which are not. Climbing segments (for cyclists) are automatically categorized HC, 1, 2, 3 or 4 like you see in the Tour de France. ... Shop; Settings; Connect with Strava. Segments are a community-created/moderated feature on Strava, anyone can create a segment and this means that they will sometimes unknowingly create duplicates or create segments from bad GPS data. KOM/QOM League Tables. Garmin Edge 510 Hidden Features #1 Personalised Startup Message - Duration: 3:33. Bùi Hoàng Hải, it’s a pretty simple URL hack, as they were all created with nearly sequential URLs, e.g. If you’re looking for a specific one, it may be private or simply; it hasn’t been created yet. Strava has a range of options that can help you protect your data and your location, if you wish. Strava Is a Social Network, After All. Enabling this option shows these efforts by default. You can star segments almost anywhere you can view them. Some examples of bad segment data are: In segment-dense areas, it is too hard to display all segments on one ride. The summary is that many standard segments suck, and that better versions often exist but are invisible to you unless you visit the web site version of Strava and inspect the “ hidden efforts ” list.. Log into Strava. Strava Segments are lots of fun, there are those athletes who are familiar with the term ‘segment hunting’ (I myself don’t participate in this), providing consistent mini ‘race like’ efforts to users who seek to achieve the best effort (time) on a particular GPS plotted map course (segment). Show hidden efforts When there are too many segments/efforts on a particular ride, Strava hides them behind a "Show X hidden efforts" button. Welcome to the KOM club. "Unhide" that segment if it's a cycling segment and, Change the activity type to something else and then back again to the proper activity type (this triggers segments to be reset.). However this is not particularly well-policed by Strava in my experience. You must sign into strava.com on your computer in order to see the list of hidden segments from your ride and click to unhide them. Some segments are anti-social, e.g., there are people setting 30mph speeds on shared paths, and you can report such segments as hazardous, which won't delete them, but it will hide them from leaderboards. Poor quality segments will be hidden - e.g., you might be shown 40 out of 200 segments on a particular trip, where better quality segments tend to get viewed and favourited more Find secret challenges, segments you can steal and pit yourself against other atheletes in our KOM, QOM and Challenge league tables. When you "Unhide" a segment, you increase its popularity rating and vote to show that segment on all of your activities. Hide or show segments in Strava. Click on any of the segments names to see the VeloViewer Segment Details page. Please fix STRAVA!! "Refresh Activity Achievements" using the button located in the actions menu (the wrench icon). Strava decided that the segment should be 'hidden' and so no trophy popped up on the feed. Strava Segments are lots of fun, there are those athletes who are familiar with the term ‘segment hunting’ (I myself don’t participate in this), providing consistent mini ‘race like’ efforts to users who seek to achieve the best effort (time) on a particular GPS plotted map course (segment). Bad Segment Data. Strava’s privacy zone is designed to hide the portion of your activity that starts or ends in a specific zone – presumably your home or office – from all other athletes. Head to the “Segments” tab. We collect together some of the most ridiculously named segments on Strava. If you’re running or riding in dense areas with lots of segments they can become a distraction. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner. In addition, they will sometimes unknowingly create segments with incorrect spelling or inaccurate location names. All of your starred segments will show up automatically in the Strava Live Segments folder on your ELEMNT after you connect your accounts. 9 hidden Strava features ... ‘Explore’ tab is only available on desktop but is highly under-utilized. Sharing your location data is what allows you to compare your performance over different routes and segments with others, whether you know them or not. I'd like to grow this little subreddit into something useful, but targeted) 28.6k. To cut down on the noise and make things a bit easier to follow, Strava has made the least popular virtual segments private. Strava has "Hidden Segment", that you can find on the desktop. Let Me Hide/Unhide Segments via Mobile. In my case it never moved, but I think initially I had to activate it too, when I created the GC account and connected it to Strava. Basically, if 10,000 people do an effort on a segment (over some window, I believe we use 180 days) and 3588 of them click on the segment to view the details, we assign that segment a "view-score" of 0.3588. Ride Segment Tinbeerwah, QLD, Australia Distance 0.83km. To generate an achievement for a hidden segment refer to the following instructions. Segments that are marked "Hidden" on your Activity page upon upload will not receive any achievements. - Sort starred segments first: Show 'starred' segments at the top of lists instead of in their geographical order. Simple Steps to Sequester Segments Sign into strava.com on your computer (the Strava mobile app currently does not support hiding/unhiding segments) Click on one of your rides to view segments Mouse over the segment you want to hide, and “hide” will show up on the right. Select “ Strava Live Segments ”. However this is not particularly well-policed by Strava in my experience. See where you're First on the Leaderboard. Enabling this option shows these efforts by default. In addition, they will sometimes unknowingly create segments with … VeloViewer only includes segments that are classed as “popular” by Strava. crowns you can steal. In order to make the hidden segment visible on your activity, they would need to unhide the segment from their own account. Strava Segment Challenges: How to utilize Strava Segments to Run a Club Challenge. Something has happened... in the Segment Explorer view the majority of all segments are now hidden. Some examples of bad segment data are: In segment-dense areas, it is too hard to display all segments on one ride. By "Hiding" a segment, you vote to decrease its popularity and hide that segment on all of your activities. After looking at another segment and with Strava's site, it appears that the segments are one direction not both ways. Segments (talking as a Strava user) are amazing, because you can search your area, compare your performance against other users, and challenge yourself to climb the leaderboard. Welcome to the KOM club. Select “ Enable ” from the dropdown. I wonder if this is an over-correction from the Military mishap. Why doesn't my segment effort appear on the leaderboard? Strava Portland, Oregon , is a cycling haven for every style of rider, from commuters to roadies and cyclocrossers, so naturally, the city would hold one of the most popular segments. Segments are a community-created/moderated feature on Strava, anyone can create a segment and this means that they will sometimes unknowingly create duplicates or create segments from bad GPS data. I have now unhidden the segment but it doesn't give me the trophy. Search . Connect with Strava. As mentioned previously, users have the option to hide Segments. All of your starred segments will show up automatically in the Strava Live Segments folder on your ELEMNT after you connect your accounts. Sometimes segments are "hidden", not sure why. Private segments are only visible to a segment’s creator, meaning they aren’t matched against the activities of other riders. You will always be shown segments that you have created, starred, unhidden or set a goal on. Hide the number of calories burned on your own activity pages. Here is the first problem: there is no way to easily hide or unhide segments from your phone. When you "Unhide" a segment, you increase its popularity rating and vote to show that segment on all of your activities. they will sometimes unknowingly create segments with incorrect spelling or inaccurate location names. To generate an achievement for a hidden segment refer to the following instructions. And Strava’s automated systems for choosing which segments to display or hide have never worked well on Zwift. Our support team isn't able to delete duplicate/inaccurate segments or edit their names but the community can up and down vote segments using the star and hide features. When you look at the bottom of the segment list for one of your activities on Strava then you will most likely see a button saying something like “Show 24 hidden efforts” (an “effort” is an attempt at a segment). Designed by athletes, for athletes, Strava’s mobile app and website connect millions of runners and cyclists through the sports they love. Bikes. Now - as I see it, half the reason for Strava is to show your friends how amazing your ride is! I guess that by default it is on, so you do not need to bother about it. But remember, there are plenty of hidden Strava factors when comparing yourself to others. Tightening up your privacy settings will prevent you from using some of these social features. What really bothers me is that Strava also included my own personal efforts in the premium package. Depending on the number of times a segment is viewed, that segment is either shown on the ride by default or "hidden" due to a low popularity rating. I have now unhidden the segment but it doesn't give me the trophy. Jammer dat op deze manier PR's en zelfs top-10's en KOM's (niet dat ik die laatste rijd) buiten je beeld kunnen verdwijnen. Avg Grade … As Ray said this new feature will be full of commuter rides which can’t be hidden from the news feed. Using this feature, you can create a path you enjoy and share it with friends on the app. - Show hidden efforts: When there are too many segments/efforts on a particular ride, Strava hides them behind a "Show X hidden efforts" button. Strava now offers more control over your experience with the most significant segments displayed, who appears at the top of your activity feed, and the ability to trim activities. Select “ Sync Segments ”. Was nice to get off the beaten limestone path and explore. The problem with Strava’s privacy zone. 20 minutes ago. Top 10 Strava tips and tricks. Click it–done! TL;DR Summary. You can find the segments you have created in the My Segments part of the app or website. "Unhide" that segment if it's a cycling segment and, Change the activity type to something else and then back again to the proper activity type (this triggers segments to be reset.). The website tracks you via GPS and publicly ranks your best time on "segments… If you have the fastest recorded time on any segments, you can find the list on your profile on the website. Just login into your basic (not premium) account and download any activity by clicking "GPX" button. Download GPX file from Strava activity including latitude, longitude, and altitude, heart rate, cadence and temperature data (if they exist in the activity log). You can select to hide some of them to thin out the results page so you can make more sense of it. The reason they disabled the ability to create public segments is because there are way to many of them on Zwift. Secret Strava Challenges. I have looked at my Strava Segments on the Strava website and also the app but there is nothing like that there...and not under Hidden Segments either. I had gone the "wrong" way by going south to north. Now - as I see it, half the reason for Strava is to show your friends how amazing your ride is! Understand why a segment may not have matched to your activity and what you can do about it. Find hidden Strava Challenges and see how you stack up in our KOM league tables! Bùi Hoàng Hải, it’s a pretty simple URL hack, as they were all created with nearly sequential URLs, e.g. Strava has forever changed cycling, for better or worse. It is locked down by default and unless you “open” your account by changing privacy settings, you dont see many other riders/runners on your segments. If there's lots of tree coverage on the trail that's hard to overcome with any device but the more satellites is uses the better. I can understand putting the social aspects behind a paywall, but my own efforts on those segments are now hidden as well. Issues using Strava Segments with your Garmin Edge 1030 Road bikes; Sportive and endurance bikes; Gravel and adventure bikes So switching many public segments to private means two good things: less processing required in terms of segment matching for Strava, and fewer segments … This is part of a number of updates to … Strava lets users create their own routes as well as segments. Hover over the segment row in the segments tab at the bottom of an activity; Click on the Hide button which appears to the right of the segment row. New Segments=Private Segments With this change, all newly-created virtual segments will be private, meaning only the creator can see the segment. Hidden Segment. Strava privacy settings via smartphone app (iOS) Segments that are marked "Hidden" on your Activity page upon upload will not receive any achievements. In order to make the hidden segment visible on your activity, they would need to unhide the segment from their own account. This is a ridiculously long and verbose tutorial on Strava segments. Street view of segments. News; Reviews. They haven’t been deleted, but they have been hidden to keep the most important segments visible. It doesn’t always get it perfect so might require a bit of manual adjustment afterwards. (message me with further ideas. Tap on the targets that you want to compete against. Strava now boasts over 55 million members, but this doesn’t mean that as a business, it can kick back and watch the kudos roll in. You will always be shown segments that you have created, starred, unhidden or set a goal on. Another useful segment management tip is the ability to show or hide them in Strava. The overall popularity of a segment will determine whether it will be visible or hidden on your activity pages if you currently don't have preferences set for that segment. The user has the ability to customize which segments are shown on Activity Detail pages and which are not. Strava lets users create their own routes as well as segments. Feature Highlights: * Peak performance table: * Power * Normalized Power * xPower * Heart Rate * Pace * Grade Adjusted Pace * VAM (climbing speed) * Cadence * Sea Power (potential power at sea level) * Themes (including dark mode) * Export any activity to a TCX or GPX file * Create Live Segments for any effort (including downhills) * Running Power estimation * Analysis page stats are … Jammer ook dat je de hidden segments in … Our support team isn't able to delete duplicate/inaccurate segments or edit their names but the community can up and down vote segments using the star and hide features. The five Strava users who make a mute button absolutely necessary If you don't want to hurt someone's feelings by unfollowing them, Strava's new mute button is the best route to take Over time your segment might be favourited by other users, and will show up in their Stravas. Please be aware that the segment will not be visible on your activities to other athletes who have not unhidden the same segment. This is irreversible, so all of your uploaded rides/activities and performances on segments will be lost if you select it. I'm not interested in the social aspect, any other programs where I can track my own progress on segments? Select Dashboard and My Segments. Select the Created Segments tab to see those you can edit. find secret challenges to enter. "Refresh Activity Achievements" using the button located in the actions menu (the wrench icon). If you star another segment on the Strava website or mobile app, it will load on your device the next time you sync. Strava now offers more control over your experience with the most significant segments displayed, who appears at the top of your activity feed, and the ability to trim activities. It doesn't really make any sense for apps other than Zwift where no segments have been created yet. Do this step with a network connection any time you have starred additional segments on Strava. The summary is that many standard segments suck, and that better versions often exist but are invisible to you unless you visit the web site version of Strava and inspect the “ hidden efforts ” list.. The problem is, the segments populate with much fewer individuals than strava, I believe for the exact reason the individual mentioned above. From the Strava website, navigate to Dashboard > My Segments, then select the Created Segments tab. You can star segments almost anywhere you can view them. Strava Live Segments on your Garmin Edge 1030, Using the Potential Segment Match Analysis Tool, Hover over the segment row in the segments tab at the bottom of an activity, To view all hidden segment for an activity, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ", Navigate to the activity page that includes a hidden segment, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ". I have noticed that in my Strava Segment list on my device that there is an odd entry at the very bottom, it shows a Segment with no name and a distance of 0m and 0.0% Grade. If Strava want more paying customers they need to concentrate on fixing the existing bugs or features that have been requested for the last 10 years. Select the segment that you want to enable. Segment Hunter. You must sign into strava.com on your computer in order to see the list of hidden segments from your ride and click to unhide them. It may get deactivated if you mess up with Strava segments somehow. Creating a New Route. With the introduction of Strava, an ongoing virtual race is always right there waiting for you. Nigel Wynn December 14, ... We also have Craig Bellew has a hidden motor, Craig … Customizing which Segments will be Visible. As I tend to do any modifications on the web, these instructions will use that rather than the app. Strava Live Segments + Garmin Edge = KOM - Duration: 2:19. TL;DR Summary. Creating a route allows you to filter by your activity (riding or running) and the minimum elevation. Top tip: If you have a GPX file then you can automatically create a Strava Route on Strava’s cool GPX to Route page. By "Hiding" a segment, you vote to decrease its popularity and hide that segment on all of your activities. Pressing this button hides the unwanted segment. Segment Explore. Hide/Unhide Segments You can hide and unhide segments to customize which segments will be visible to you throughout Strava.. Bad Segment Data. ... ‘Strava Hidden Challenges’. Would be cool to hide segments under a certain length too, but I have hidden most of the segments that bother me already so it’s not a big deal. The new user’s guide to Strava etiquette. The current logic is that segments are hidden based on a combination of recency and click-through-rate. Strava is, fundamentally, a social network for fitness fans. I can only imagine that Strava has a good reason for this, but from where I sit, giving me the ability to swipe left/right to hide or unhide a … Please be aware that the segment will not be visible on your activities to other athletes who have not unhidden the same segment. Subscribe to Strava to get the most out of Strava segments. Yes, it is well hidden. Ride4Fun 5,628 views. The Strava Heatmap is a great resource to use when planning new routes. Some segments are anti-social, e.g., there are people setting 30mph speeds on shared paths, and you can report such segments as hazardous, which won't delete them, but it will hide them from leaderboards. You will always be shown segments that you have created, starred, unhidden or set a goal on. Depending on the number of times a segment is viewed, that segment is either shown on the ride by default or "hidden" due to a low popularity rating. Individual segment times should be reset every 1-2 years from the date they were set. The biggest flaw in Strava’s privacy zone feature is the precision in … Hover over the segment row in the segments tab at the bottom of an activity, To view all hidden segment for an activity, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ", Navigate to the activity page that includes a hidden segment, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ". they will sometimes unknowingly create segments with incorrect spelling or inaccurate location names. The ‘Explore’ tab is only available on desktop but is highly under-utilized.