SWAROVSKI OPTIK 7 SWAROVSKI OPTIK EN DETALLE SWAROVSKI OPTIK EN DETALLE NUESTRA BÚSQUEDA DE LA PRECISIÓN Nos complace que quiera conocer mejor SWAROVSKI OPTIK. But it’s not just about trusting in your own skills and abilities. Remove the peel-off label attached to the Return Form. Glasses bliver så slebes … FREE Shipping. Wilhelm far var den oprindelige grundlægger af Swarovski virksomheden. Swarovski Optik is a division of the Swarovski group of companies, manufacturing optical instruments. 4.6 out of 5 stars 36. Swarovski Optik HD-ATS-80 HD Spotting Scope with 20x60 Eyepiece (Angled, 80mm) 4.6 out of 5 stars 8. Access many sparkling rewards includings birthday surprises, priority access and exclusive sales to VIP invitations. We are always prepared to … Customer Service. Vi er autorisert Swarovski forhandler og en av landets aller største. When you take a photo, it is transferred directly to the Merlin app. If you continue browsing our site you agree to our Terms. At SWAROVSKI OPTIK, we see hunting as a responsible pursuit in harmony with nature. SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG is part of the Swarovski group of companies and has its headquarter in Absam, Tyrol. 00800 3242 … Driven hunting in France BATTUE NOTRE AMOUR Reading time: 10 min. "WE BELIEVE NATURE ALWAYS GIVES US EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED.". The application The SWAROVSKI OPTIK ballistic program helps you to identify the individual aiming points for your long-range reticle and makes it easy for you to calculate the required correction values for your desired zero range distances for your Ballistic Turret. Swarovski Optik VPA Variable Phone Adapter, Connects to Binoculars and Spotting Scopes. The SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG Mammals app identifies nearly 100 of the most common mammals in Europe. Mein Konto. Wilhelm Swarovski began producing binoculars in 1935, and this business expanded during World War II. 00. Thanks to its brilliant optics, visitors will linger longer and immerse themselves in the moment. For bundle-promotional sets, where you enjoy a promotion or discount as a result of purchasing one or more items (e.g. A CHILDHOOD DREAM COME TRUE - SURPRISES ALONG THE SILK ROAD. The dG is the first … 00800 3242 … Born in 1862 into a family of glass cutters in the bohemian town of Georgenthal, he learned the craft of glass cutting from his parents as a young man. Product & Technical Services, Tips & Care, Tutorials, Downloads. Driven hunting in France BATTUE NOTRE AMOUR Reading time: 10 min. Visit our online shop! The ATX/STX, launched in 2012, was the first modular telescope on the market. To return your order please proceed as follows: Return your order as follows: 1. 4.2 out of 5 stars 4. THE DS FROM SWAROVSKI OPTIK is the ideal choice of rifle scope because it allows us to concentrate totally on the essentials. Swarovski Optik blev grundlagt af Wilhelm Swarovski, i 1935. Deres produktion foregår på deres fabrikker i Østrig, hvor de bearbejder råglasset, som de modtager fra glasværker i Japan og Tyskland. Receive first-hand information and expert tips tailored to your specific interests. YOUR HEART BEATS FASTER, YOUR PULSE RATE INCREASES. How we think; How we act; Our company; FAQ; Order Process; Returns and repairs; Shipping options; Contact; My service. How we think; How we act; Our company; FAQ; Order Process; Returns and repairs; Shipping options; Contact; My service. 00. Here is a link to the video instead. We use cookies on our website. SWAROVSKI 8.5x42 EL Binocular with FieldPro Package, Green. Download the app from the App Store. Other options New from $3,399.00. MERLIN BIRD ID APP. Perfect for bird and nature observations. PEERING ACROSS AT A SEEMINGLY FORBIDDEN COUNTRY WITH MY BINOCULARS, I COULDN’T HELP BUT TAKE A CLOSER LOOK, WONDERING ALL THE WHILE IF THE PEOPLE AND PLACES ON THE OTHER SIDE WERE REALLY SO DIFFERENT. The correct aiming point is automatically displayed, taking into account distance, air pressure, temperature, and angle. SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL … Its large field of view facilitates rapid target acquisition over long distances. Austrian manufacturer of high quality binoculars, spotting scopes, and tripods. In 2007, SWAROVSKI OPTIK introduced another global innovation, the Z6 line of rifle scopes, the first in the world to feature 6x magnification. Get it Fri, Nov 20 - Tue, Nov 24. Investerer du i en kikkert fra Swarovski har du en kikkert du kan stole på i mange, mange år. Its headquarters are located in Absam, Tyrol, Austria. Let’s allow ourselves to be deeply moved by our experiences and feel that we are at one with the world around us. Sight height above bore The sight height above bore describes the distance between the center of the bore (rifle bore … is the ideal choice of rifle scope because it allows us to concentrate totally on the essentials. Enjoy high contrast, sharp, color-true images that you’ll never forget. Swarovski Optik Od založení podniku Swarovski Optik před téměř 60 lety až do současnosti se věnují vývoji a výrobě teleoptických přístrojů, které se vyznačují maximální přesností a optickou brilantností a které Vás mají těšit po celé generace díky kvalitě, dlouhé životnosti a stabilní hodnotě. Free shipping for many products! 99. Queremos invitarles a una visita para que puedan conocer mejor nuestras instalaciones de producción. 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. Carina Schiestl‑Swarovski, Presidenta del Consejo de Administración, … In this innovative model, the manufacturer Swarovski Optik has combined the advantages of analogue and digital riflescopes and developed a smart riflescope that intelligently supports the hunter. SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s latest innovation is a smart one: with the new dG (digital guide), the Tyrolean family business is proud to present a genuine world first. The Merlin app’s main function is to identify more than 5,000 bird species worldwide. Already an avid hobby astronomer, Wilhelm’s passion “to be closer to the stars", as he himself described it, awakened his ambition to build his own, improved binocular. Entrez dans le monde de Swarovski: haute joaillerie, montres élégantes et créations en cristal commémorent la tradition et le savoir-faire de la marque. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. SWAROVSKI OPTIK 115 For more information about our extensive customer service, visit WWW.SWAROVSKIOPTIK.COM/ KUNDENSERVICE SERVICE MAINTENANCE WHAT SHOULD I BEAR IN MIND IF SOMETHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS TO MY SWAROVSKI OPTIK PRODUCT? In 1935, Wilhelm Swarovski, son of the original founder, was 17 years of age. Soon he was tinkering with new methods to make the cutting process easier, faster and more precise and introduced remarkable innovations. You also need 100% confidence in your equipment. Product & Technical Services, Tips & Care, Tutorials, Downloads My service. It is the very first long-range optical device to allow you to combine your viewing with automatic animal identification, documenting, and sharing. Absolutely breathtaking! SWAROVSKI OPTIK "Zum Habicht" Canteen Our daily delight Reading time: 5 min. THINK SMART. Swarovski's top priority is our customer satisfaction. We would like to reassure you that our customer relations teams are working hard to reduce this waiting time and will be in contact with you as soon as possible. All stories. Then we feel a sense of love for all living creatures, which instinctively makes us seek to protect nature and preserve biodiversity.". I can withdraw my consent at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in the Newsletter, by email to privacy@swarovskioptik.com, or by post to SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG, Daniel-Swarovski … Good to know Feeding birds in winter Reading time: 3 min. Receive first-hand information and expert tips tailored to your specific interests. Our customer relations team are experiencing high volume of incoming contacts at the moment. Making an accurate shot takes knowledge of external influencing factors such as wind, temperature, altitude, air pressure, humidity, downhill and uphill angles, plus many years of experience and practice. In 2016, the Z8i raised the bar in terms of optical and mechanical perfection. Händlersuche Finden Sie einen Händler in Ihrer Nähe Zur Händlersuche. Swarovski Optik ME 1.7X Magnification Extender for ATX/STX/BTX Spotting Scopes, Black. I can withdraw my consent at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in the Newsletter, by email to privacy@swarovskioptik.com, or by post to SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG, Daniel-Swarovski … Smart technology for the correct aiming point . CL binoculars will accompany you wherever you go and whatever you do, whether you’re traveling, out for a walk, sightseeing, or on an excursion. Take a closer look at the Dolomites Take a closer look at the Dolomites in San Vigilio, Italy Reading time: 7 min. $2,149.00 $ 2,149. Please make sure to doublecheck the name. Many impressive and spectacular aspects of the “mystery of light” are revealed in nature: sunsets, the Northern Lights, rainbows, and mirages have always held us in their thrall. That’s why expert hunters rely on high-precision optics from SWAROVSKI OPTIK. 2. KUNDENSERVICE Mo - Do 8:00 - 17:00 und Fr 8:00 - 12:00 00800 3242 5056 customerservice@swarovskioptik.com. FREE Shipping. 00. SWAROVSKI OPTIK recommends Merlin Bird ID and dG Mammals. His enduring passion for innovation and design has made it the world’s premier jewelry and accessory brand. SWAROVSKI OPTIK "Zum Habicht" Canteen Our daily delight Reading time: 5 min. Here is a link to the video instead. All stories. The play of light and crystal accompanied Daniel Swarovski throughout his childhood. 00. dG MAMMALS APP. Product & Technical Services, Tips & Care, Tutorials, Downloads My service. Login Konto Registrieren. They are the perfect companion, offering unique optical quality of the highest order, all in a handy format. Swarovski Optik STS-65 HD Spotting Scope with 20x60 Eyepiece (Straight, 65mm) 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. Since 1895, founder Daniel Swarovski’s mastery of crystal cutting has defined the company. The ST Vista is the ultimate outdoor spotting scope and destined to become the new highlight of your vantage point. SWAROVSKI OPTIK "Zum Habicht" Canteen Our daily delight Reading time: 5 min. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Product & Technical Services, Tips & Care, Tutorials, Downloads, "Every observation becomes a revelation, every moment an unforgettable experience. I can withdraw my consent at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in the Newsletter, by email to privacy@swarovskioptik.com, or by post to SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG, Daniel-Swarovski … SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s latest innovation is a smart one: with the new dG (digital guide), the Tyrolean family business is proud to present a genuine world first. $175.00 $ 175. I dag er virksomheden en af Europas mest kendte producenter af kvalitets optik produkter. Professioneller Kundenservice » Sportarten artikel Marken Information Swarovski. It is the very first long-range optical device to allow you to combine your viewing with automatic animal identification, documenting, and sharing. The largest-ever field of view with almost indiscernible edges allows you to experience nature as never before– and immerse yourself in the moment. As a result of this, our response time may be longer than usual. First and foremost, customer satisfaction is the number one priority for us. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Austria / de. Click here for more information. The high image quality and high-contrast reticle allow you to make out every detail, meaning that the X5i sets the benchmark in terms of optical quality. Swarovski SLC 8x42 Waterproof Binoculars with FieldPro Package, Green . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Swarovski Optik at the best online prices at eBay! Get it Wed, Dec 9 - Mon, Dec 14. The correct aiming point is automatically displayed, taking into account distance, air pressure, temperature, and angle. Contact . $2,978.00 $ 2,978. For questions, help or more information, please contact Customer Service using the information below: SWAROVSKI OPTIK North America LTD All stories. Swarovski Optik EL O-Range 10x42 Orange Binocular 70016. LEARN MORE. SWAROVSKI CLUB. 5.0 out of 5 … Get it Wed, Dec 23 - Mon, Dec 28. Den Sternen … BALLISTIC PROGRAM SETTINGS Rifle scope Select your SWAROVSKI OPTIK rifle scope. As a riflescope designed to meet the highest requirements, the X5i from SWAROVSKI OPTIK offers maximum optical performance across the whole magnification range. The SWAROVSKI OPTIK ballistic program is also available as an application for your iPhone or Android device. 00. You may return your online order up to 60 days after receipt (with the exception of Gift Cards and Swarovski Masks if unpacked due to hygienic reasons). FREE Shipping. Contact the Swarovski Customer Support. Zurück zum Menü. $2,268.00 $ 2,268. GESCHICHTEN; Über uns; Service; Jobs & Karriere; Events; Jagd Outdoor Vogelbeobachtung. How we think; How we act; Our company; FAQ; Order Process; Returns and repairs; Shipping options; Contact; My service. Customer Service. Swarovski will not accept returns of individual items within the normal set and will only accept returns of the entire normal set. Wilhelm Swarovski was particularly fascinated by the light emitted by stars. Swarovski fra Østerrike har produsert optikk i aller ypperste verdensklasse i mange år - bedre finner du ikke! So small but simply brilliant. 1.7 out of 5 stars 4. buy 3 items and get 10% off each item or where savings for each product are stated), you can return any of the items purchased separately. $389.00 $ 389. I tillegg er de sammen med oss best på service og oppfølging. Discover more. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. $3,599.99 $ 3,599. History.