Contact Student Service Center Tel. Dates, Deadlines & Events. Parallel studies at the University of Freiburg. Study spaces Wi-Fi on site Members of the University of Freiburg can connect to the Wi-Fi in the library. University of Freiburg has an urban campus in Freiburg. You are here: Home › Prospective students. Study spaces Copying, scanning, printing You can use the machines in the reading rooms with your library card. The University of Freiburg supports spin-offs and promotes continuing education and teaching to provide qualifications for entrepreneurs. General application requirements. Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg is one of the top Public universities in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. We are known for research-led study programs, the international flair of Bonn as German's city of the United Nations and as part of a dynamic science region in the heart of the liveable Rhineland. ), a state examination (including a teaching degree) or an ecclesiastical examination as a foundational first degree at the University of Freiburg. Find out more about our profile, our structures, and our … University ranking. ). Account Name. The Entrepreneurial Office of the University of Freiburg advises all members of the university on questions concerning self-employment and founding a company. Program offerings. Info. Our university has been making history for over 600 years. The Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg takes great pride in its tradition. Uni Freiburg. We are one of the "small" universities in Baden-Württemberg, but at the same time the "largest" in the areas of social and health care. In some cases you can bypass the restrictions by establishing a VPN (eduroam) connection to the internal network of Freiburg University first. The newspaper uni’leben comes out five times a year and offers commentaries, reports, and interviews on current topics – from the latest research findings and interesting facts about academics and teaching to entertaining perspectives on the university community. You can top up your credit in Café Libresso or at the machines in the foyer. University of Freiburg (Uni Freiburg), Germany Domestic institution Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany (20.87) Calendar of Events [de] Campus Management. Established in 1457, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Freiburg im Breisgau (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Baden-Wurttemberg. Contact Student Service Center Tel. ILIAS. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. The University is even heading the NFDI4Ing network, which is one of the consortia. Its innovative force makes it an important mover in the commercial and cultural life of the region. Upon your arrival you'll get an eduroam guest account. Layout The KH Freiburg is a state-approved university in church sponsorship. University of Freiburg is among the best educational institutions in Germany, that is among the top 5 universities according to the national rankings. Language Certificates. The region has a long-standing, tradition in research and higher education, dating back to Early Modern Humanism and notable figures such as Erasmus of Rotterdam, Johannes Gutenberg, and Martin Waldseemüller. Deadlines. EU Office & International Office. Location: (Find his/her IP Address and Location) University of Fribourg. Learn more about University of Freiburg program & courses, review engineering, business management, social sciences, foreign language, art, computer sciences programs info & … The University of Tübingen has been a place of top-level research and excellent teaching for more than 500 years. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this issue, since connections are blocked by the firewall of the Universitätsklinikum. Semester Dates and Teaching Periods. More zu: Sustainably Securing Research Data The editorial team at the Office of Public Relations reports on life at the University of Freiburg in several publications. The International Office(for non-Erasmus students) and the EU-Office(for Erasmus students) are your first point of contact for all administrative issues such as Online Registration, Housing, Enrolment, Certificates of Arrival/Departure etc.. Students can receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Read about the most important historical milestones of one of Germany’s oldest universities, from its foundation in 1409 to the opening in 2017 of the Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul. Offers for the career start. More than one. Welcome to CommuniGate Pro. You have the opportunity to continue your education with a Master of Arts (M.A.) Courses The University is divided into 11 faculties, which … I. Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate School Humanities Doctoral Research Group "Das Christentum und die anderen monotheistischen Weltreligionen: Geschichte und Begegnung" BSc or BA (or equivalent primary degree) well above average in Environmental Management, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural or Forest Sciences, Geography, Political Sciences, Sociology, Law, Economics, Ethnology, International Cooperation, Development Studies, Nature Conservation, Environmental Management, Land Use Planning, Natural Resource … Ping response time 5ms Excellent ping Universities and Colleges Website Site Owner: Universitaet Heidelberg Domain provide by not available. Course Catalogue. or a Master of Science (M.Sc. University of Freiburg Rankings. Members of other academic institutions can connect via eduroam. It is fascinating, and it is a challenge. History of our University . Those accounts are valid for your complete visit of MIAP and allow you to use our institutional wifi, as well as the wifi of all university institutions throughout the city of Freiburg. It is hardly a coincidence that the first University College in Germany was established in Freiburg. You can also use these accounts to connect your mobile phone. +49 (0)761 203 4246 Mo – Thu 9am – 4:30pm Fr 9am – 12noon studienberatung@ Sedanstraße 6 Navigation. Freiburg also plays host to various other educational and research institutes, such as the Freiburg University of Education, the Protestant University for Applied Sciences Freiburg, Freiburg Music Academy, the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, the International University of Cooperative Education IUCE, three Max Planck institutes, and five Fraunhofer institutes. University of Freiburg Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, … Please see the University of Freiburg pages for information on Coronavirus related policies. University of Freiburg is ranked #168 in Best Global Universities. Domain ID : Not Available Host name, IP address:, location: Heidelberg Germany Site alexa rank: 25,656.Category rank: 177 The Unified Communications Server! As the city of Fribourg in Switzerland is in the French speaking part, Fribourg and not Freiburg would be the correct name. How to reactivate a LIC Account (expired password) It is ranked #=175 in QS Global World Rankings 2021. The University of Fribourg is a place where learning, research, employment and events all happen at the same time. A degree course at a university means an intensive multifaceted engagement with the fundamentals of research and science. Document Centre. The University of Freiburg was founded in 1457, University College Freiburg in 2012. UCF offices are closed to the public, including students. Prospective Students All important information concerning application can be found here through a step-by-step process. Around 1,900 students from Germany and neighbouring countries are currently studying at the Catholic University of Freiburg. +49 (0)761 203 4246 Mo – Thu 9am – 4:30pm Fr 9am – 12noon studienberatung@ Sedanstraße 6 Password. ), a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Founded in the 15th century, the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg is one of Germany’s highest-ranking universities. For 200 years, our University has been shaped by outstanding personalities from a wide range of subjects. MSc Environmental Governance Programme. The University of Freiburg takes part in the following doctoral programs providing a focused research program and a structured training strategy for doctoral candidates. The Joint Science Conference has approved funding for consortia for the establishment of a national research data infrastructure, including three that RWTH is participating in.