University of Freiburg. Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, and theology. Central student advising Information and advice concerning fields of study, degree programs, applications, acceptance, change of university, etc. Layout University of Freiburg is classified as a large university with more than 23,000 concurrent students. 203-97731 With around 11,500 employees, the Medical Center – University of Freiburg is among the largest university medical centers in Germany.Around 1300 doctors and 2900 nurses provide healthcare services to more than 69,900 inpatients and 837,000 outpatients each year. The University of Freiburg also aims to submit proposals for the Excellence Strategy. is a fairly popular website, according to Alexa, which gave it a very good traffic rank. The University of Freiburg fosters a dialogue between science and society – with publications, events, websites, and social media. The University of Freiburg Research Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg 50,515 followers Connecting Creative Minds – Trinational, European, Global Stefanie Mößner stefanie.moessner@ Tel. Service A-Z ist eine Sammlung von Leistungen, Verfahrensabläufen und speziellen Themen mit Bezug zur zentralen Verwaltung. Ausbildungsbörse. The university has engaged the patent exploitation agency ampus Technologies Freiburg GmbH to provide a wide range of very specialized services in this area, from advising and valuation to the exploitation of patents. Biologielaborant/in. The University of Freiburg is doing its part to ensure synergetic cooperation between the two networks on the basis of mutual trust. Werkstatt / Technik. Document Actions Print this; You are here: Home › Administration › Job Opportunities › Student Assistants. Friends of the University of Freiburg Association - Read More… German Real Estate Academy [de] The university has maintained a partnership with the German Real Estate Academy (Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie GmbH), a continuing education institution for real … They include courses on topics like administration, human resources management, budgeting, media, computer science, communication & management, languages, … Info. ... Sekretariat / Verwaltung. 4 weeks left Full-time Sekretariat / Verwaltung. It plays a vital role in consolidating the basic infrastructure for a successful course of study, outstanding research, and exceptional teaching. The strategic cooperation within European higher education alliances opens up enabling spaces whose additional benefits lead to a boost in quality, profile building, and competitiveness on all performance dimensions. Sonstiges. Elektroniker/in für Geräte und Systeme . The Office of Public Relations takes care of internal and external communication at the university, while the Office of Corporate Communication is responsible for the same at the University Medical Center. We would like to introduce you to the most recent laureates on this page. Stipendien. University headship, rectorate, administration, general queries: Contacts for students and prospective students. Email: Advanced Alexa Stats. As one of the five best comprehensive universities and one of the ten best universities in Germany, the University of Freiburg is a member of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) and the German U15 . Tel. Whereas the faculties unite related fields of study, the research centers conduct interdisciplinary and interfaculty research projects. It represents them and their political, social, and cultural interests. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it. Tel. 00000034. Sign up for job alerts Get new jobs for University of Freiburg by email. Follow University of Freiburg. We also welcome the participation of external partners, such as entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, artists, or scholars. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Description of the project: In terms of timber production the productivity of many forest sites in Europe has considerably increased in recent decades. Scientific publications Journal Articles:. Chemielaborant/in. The Unified Communications Server! The University of Freiburg Faculty of Medicine (German Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) is the medical school and dental school of the University of Freiburg and forms university's biomedical research unit together the University Medical Center Freiburg.The faculty was founded in 1457 as one of Germany's oldest and is regarded among its most distinguished. Password. The Student Government is the representative body of the University of Freiburg’s students and matriculated doctoral candidates. Application deadline: 11.01.2021 – Id no. The University of Freiburg's excellence in the areas of research and teaching is regularly reflected in various national and international university rankings. Universitätsleitung. The quorum of the University committees is guaranteed, so that decisions can be made on any application submissions and the establishment of funded projects. The project is a co-operation between the groups of Professor Uli Lemmer, University of Karlsruhe (formerly University of Munich) and Dr. Kurt Busch, University of Karlsruhe. Biller S, Boeker M, Fabry G, Giesler M: Impact of the Medical Faculty on Study Success in Freiburg: Results from Graduate Surveys. Within the context of three international networks, the university and its faculties maintain partnerships with universities in over 30 countries – from Trinidad and Tobago to the USA. Important dates for students of the University of Freiburg are listed on the Student Portal. Prof. Dr. Jens-Peter Schneider. Von "A" wie "Abfall" bis "Z" … Visitor traffic will be limited to what is absolutely necessary (e.g. The University of Freiburg (colloquially German: Uni Freiburg), officially the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (German: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), is a public research university located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Trends in wood density: Do faster growing trees produce more biomass? Freiburg Research Services has switched to consultations and service by telephone and email. The joint research project is conducted in close cooperation between the Department of Soil and Environment of the Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA) and the Chair of Forest Growth of Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (ALU). Tenure-Track Professorship for “Financial Accounting & Auditing” Salary not specified; University of Freiburg; Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg. In addition to continuing education programs designed to be completed alongside a full-time job which are open to all qualified participants, the FRAUW also offers special programs for employees of the University of Freiburg. Staff Representatives and Counseling Services. Alle Stellen. Scientific and Research Projects. The Innovation and Dialog Workshop of the University of Freiburg invites experts from all faculties and disciplines to contribute their own perspectives on central questions concerning the future of the university and to develop new ones together. To ensure that the quality of education stays high the university has an academic staff consisting of more than 2000 specialists. Central student advising Information and advice concerning fields of study, degree programs, applications, acceptance, change of university, etc. 1 job with University of Freiburg. Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Dr. Hans-Peter Kahle, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich Spiecker, Dominik Stangler Financing: diverse Quellen, Sonstiges; KonKlim : Adaptive capacity, growth plasticity and productivity of Norway spruce, silver fir and douglas fir in the context of predicted climatic changes in the Black Forest. University headship, rectorate, administration, general queries: Contacts for students and prospective students. The University Medical Center engages in research, teaching, and healthcare as its core responsibilities, always with the goal … Welcome to CommuniGate Pro. The Central Administration of the University of Freiburg functions as a service provider and partner for everyone at the university – whether faculty, staff, or student. It plays a vital role in consolidating the basic infrastructure for a successful course of study, outstanding research, and exceptional teaching. The legal advisor to the rector attends the meetings of the Rectorate and the Senate as a permanent member (in an advisory capacity). Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. On 14, 15, and 16 May 2013, students and doctoral candidates received the historical opportunity to vote on the articles of organization for the new Student Government. : +49 761 203-4397 Fax: +49 761 203-8866; Adress Department of Microsystems Engineering; Laboratory for Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces Georges-Koehler-Allee 103 79110 Freiburg Campus Map The university accepts both local and foreign students. The ratio is 1 foreign student to 7 local ones. The Studium Generale of the University of Freiburg aims to encourage a dialog between various disciplines, particularly between the humanities and the natural sciences. The University of Freiburg possesses a comprehensive network of partnerships at the local, regional, and international level. The Central Administration of the University of Freiburg functions as a service provider and partner for everyone at the university – whether faculty, staff, or student. Moreover, Verwaltung Uni Freiburg is slightly inactive on social media. The University of Freiburg produces outstanding achievements in science and research, and many of our researchers have been decorated with the most prestigious awards their discipline has to offer. The future partners of CTF GmbH are (probably as of 1 June 2017) the University Medical Center (with 75.1%) and the University of Freiburg (with 24.9%). Account Name. The University of Freiburg participated successfully in the Excellence Initiative from the beginning and used the funding to establish and develop central research structures that prepare the university for future challenges and enhance its attractiveness. In accordance with the Constitution of the University of Freiburg, the rector is supported by a legal advisor, who is appointed by the rector in agreement with the Senate. Studentische Hilfskräfte. The whole is more than the sum of its parts: At the heart of the University of Freiburg are its 11 faculties and 18 research centers, where the instruction and research take place. This diversity also provides an ideal environment for innovative interdisciplinary studies. The program has been so successful at achieving this in its over 50 years of existence that it has served as a model for many other similar programs. Visit . The University of Freiburg has been granted 12 Tenure-Track Professorships from the Tenure-Track Program and now invites applications in the context of this program for a Tenure-Track Professorship in Education and Socialization term for filing application: 20.08.2018, id no. : +49 761 203-8992 Fax: +49 761 203-4390; Office.