by rivers » Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:50 pm, Post I´ve been reading much uglies about these. Welcome Foilheads! URAL-Motorrad-650-750 - Forum Statistiken 7 Aktive User 4 Mitglieder und 3 Gäste sind Online Besucherrekord 103 Benutzer gleichzeitig online (04.02.2017 05:05) Besucherzähler Heute waren 211 Gäste und 32 Mitglieder, gestern 208 Gäste und 37 Mitglieder online. Your bike is fitted with pekar K68 carbs via the tube type adaptors ( rare and extremely hard to get hold of). Vorderradachse verzinkt im Gold für M72 - CJ 750 Gechtsgewinde. Thank you! Preis: 45,00 € On our website we provide not only dnepr motorcycles and their parts for sale, but also other soviet military mean of transportation. Ask your basic questions here. Register yourself now and be a part of our community! Kontaktzündung gegen kontaktlose austauschen. Are you thinking about getting one and have questions? Just studied the pictures. used. by smoothmachines » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:29 pm, Post Motoboxer has some good information on identification and set up on his site. Während die URAL-Fabrik auch weiterhin in Betrieb ist und die Motorräder laufend an die EU-Abgasnormen angepasst wurden, ist beides bei DNEPR nicht mehr der Fall. Kabelbaum, Erleuchtung, Lima und Anlasser fuer alle Modelle (CJ, Dnepr,Ural,) The most popular cars are: Volga 24, … $450.00. Ural-Zentrale - Onlineshop für Ersatzteile und Zubehör von Ural, Dnepr, Chiang Jiang, Zündapp, Enfield Motorräder. The Russian Iron Motorcycle Club is not the traditional "Club" you might be familiar with. -Our company has been successfully engaged in the professional restoration of old motorcycles Dnepr URALfor many years. The Thierry Wagener International Forum This forum is dedicated to Thierry Wagener, a long time CURD member who passed away in 2012. A Dnepr? I'm Bill Glaser, and I have been owned by a URAL since 2002. When restoring oldiron IMHO it's cheaper to start with fixing/bringing back to spec what ya got, rather than breaking out the plastic card or mining the savings account before modifying stuff that you'll need to tune anyway or just flat don't work regardless of money spent. Today, Ural is still going strong at providing quality motorcycles with sidecars. The Dnepr is of heavier construction. by smoothmachines » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:05 pm, Post Both Ural and Dnepr motorcycles are sometimes known by the generic name, "Cossack motorcycles," which was used between 1973 and 1979 by SATRA in the United Kingdom. Is the Keihin a good carb too? $99.00. After the war ended, the Ural factory slowed production of military vehicles. Please post any tech questions in "The Order of The Greasy Wrench" section. Thick white snow... Sweden... Like everyone else said: early model Dnepr 650cc OHV engine because of the head/carb vertical bolt pattern as opposed to the later horizontal bolt pattern. Wie allseits bekannt, kann man DNEPR-Neufahrzeuge aufgrund der verschärften Abgasnormen im EU-Raum heute nicht oder nur mehr sehr schwer zulassen. BMW EMW Zündapp Dnepr Ural M-72 K-750... Air filtration Bearings Bowden cables Brakes Carburetion Clutch Clutch release Electrical Engine Dnepr OHV Engine SV (M-72, K-750 etc.) Nice hints about the carbs, the K68 seems very touchy. instructions for setting up are on the goodkarma site. A good cleaning and rebuild should get you back to orig spec. I did not get the original carbs with the bike... Is the K68 a source to motor problems too? Ernie Franke's collection of components and schematics telling the story of Ural and Dnepr evolution (PDFs) Updated! There's some pretty good info on the below site to get you started. by smoothmachines » Thu May 01, 2014 1:16 am, Post An Independent Forum for Ural & Dnepr Motorcycle Enthusiasts since 2007, Post by smoothmachines » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:35 am, Post Neval BMW/MT11 800cc hybrid, Neval 2wd MT10-36, Neval standard MT10-36, Neval MT16, another MT11, BMW/MB650 hybrid , K750m , MB750 and a standard MT10-36 outfit + 2 large sheds full of spares for them. This site uses cookies. Kabelbaum, Erleuchtung, Lima und Anlasser fuer alle Modelle (CJ, Dnepr,Ural,). Ural Motorcycles, the world's leading maker of off-road ready sidecar motorcycles, featuring our legendary on-demand 2 wheel drive. It is currently Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:06 am 17 déc. The "Ural" and the "Dnepr" are/were built by the same company, Irbit. If you would like to advertise on CURD Forums please contact Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Last visit was: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:15 pm. by smoothmachines » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:39 am, Post Most variations of Miks or Keihins are good carbs if in good condition and tuned correctly for intended use. Thanks! Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Long-time Ural aficionados know that for years, there’s been one constant in the Ural formula: The company’s 2WD sidecars are always on the right-hand side of the vehicle. by smoothmachines » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:20 am, Post Forget the weekend wrenching in the woods, plum tree has already lost it's flowers and is full of new leaves and what do i get for a weather today? On as old of bike as yours I would "thoroughly" clean, rebuild, tune them before spending money swapping carbs. I see, the PZ28 are Mikunis. Try to persevere with them as they can be reasonable to set up and use. I looked up Aliexpress and there are loads of them for les than 50$ a piece, anybody bought some that way? by rivers » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:35 am, Post Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. by smoothmachines » Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:03 am, Post You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. By the late '50s, the company separated from the government. Should be a lot of fun. Kein Zündfunke an Ural 650 Baujahr unbekannt. Lidé Témata Příspěvky Poslední příspěvek; Všeobecná diskuze Diskuze o čemkoliv 337 Témata 3720 Příspěvky Poslední příspěvek od Véna40 pát pro 04, 2020 5:59 pm ↳ General Hammerin' and Wrenchin' (all model years), ↳ 2014 & Later Model-Specific Wrenching Issues,,, That was the layout for the original BMW-built R71 sidecar rigs the German military used in World War II, and when the Russkies copied that design, they copied the layout. Forum Amicale Dnepr Ural Forum consacré aux side car Dnepr et Ural Après acceptation, les nouveaux inscrits devrons se présenter pour valider leur demande 1440 Sujets 31073 Messages Dernier message Re: Nouveau par Mamouth jeu. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... front fork stem Dnepr, Ural, K750, MB750 motorcycle. URAL oder DNEPR? I do not have the bike right here but i have a few pics of the Dnepr motor, anybody knows what it is exactely? by smoothmachines » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:11 am, Post MC carbs are pretty simple tech with very few moving parts and the carb themselves don't wear out/go bad unless you ham fist break/drop them. : 00 6622 12A 60. $8,990.00 shipping. Even if you buy brand new carbs you'll still have to set-up/tune them and if buying used add cleaning to the procedure. It is currently Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:15 pm Then if in the long run find the carbs are just a maint intensive pile of grief to keep in tune consider upgrading to later carbs. Don’t have an account yet? $65.00 shipping. A couple of pics is nice, the others were in some funky format and would not upload. Ernie Franke: Ernie Franke's In-Depth Series on Accessories (Military, Civilian, Police, Fire) for Your Ural or Dnepr (lots of PDFs!) Shoppen, schrauben, Spaß haben! This site is being developed to provide an online gathering place for Russian Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. I started this site in response to the many requests on the IMWA and Russian Iron forums for a factory authorized Service Manual for the Ural motorcycle. 13 talking about this. DNEPR k-750 ural.Seat set.kit 2x. by Scott » Thu May 01, 2014 2:28 am, Return to “Ural/Dnepr 101 - Newbie Questions”, Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Limited. Don't know about your carbs but if they are stock or at least within OEM spec I would rebuild them and tune them before buying others. It is a great chance to find a lot of antique things in one place. Wohnort Daheim in Friesau Beruf Fertigungsleiter Hobbys schrauben fahren feiern Motorrad Ural Retro(2011), Dnepr MB 650 mit 750er Uraltriebwerk, HD Ironhead, BT 1100 Bulldog, XT 500 Please post any tech questions in "The Order of the Greasy Wrench" section. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. Ural 650 Solo habe gerade keine Zeit den genauen Typ herauszusuchen; Ural M67; Ural 750er und 725er (neuere Modelle wie Ranger, Wolf, Voyage, Basic, .... Dnepr MT 10-36; Dnepr MT 11; Dnepr MT 12; Dnepr … Handstraße 89. They stopped making military-grade vehicles. There has not been a Service Manual available since the last printing by "Ural America" back in 2000. Russian (Ural and Dnepr) Motorcycle Brake History •Urals thru 2002 and All Dneprs: Manual Drum (Shoe-Type) Brakes in Front, Rear & Sidecar –All Three Wheels Interchangeable •Urals 2003 thru 2013: Hydraulic Disc in Front (See Part I: Brembo Disc Brakes) and Manual Drum Brakes in Rear and Sidecar –Front Hydraulic Disc Brake Consists of Caliper, Brake Pads and Wheel Disc If you would like to advertise on CURD Forums please contact Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Motor seems to be a Dnepr MT9 so far and the bike is a Ural M63, the sidecar probably from a Dneper MT9, is that correct? Get the best deals on Motorcycle Parts for Ural when you shop the largest online selection at Raum Köln / Bergisches Land Jeden 2. Try using the "Search" link at the top of the page to see if your question may have been asked before. I forgot, both the K68 carbs and the ignition coil are new, freshly installed so none of these should be worn out. Newbies, introduce yourself here. Dienstag im Restaurant (mit Biergarten) "Zum weißen Pferdchen!" Last visit was: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:06 am. In 1957 the M72 production lines were sold … There are no dues, no regular meetings, and best of all: no ritual hazings! There wasn't a strong need and they began adding models for the commercial market. 51469 Bergisch Gladbach Ein Blick Ins Russenforum hilft bei der Bestimmung des richtigen Dienstags! And if you are reading this, you are really lucky person. Looks good Bruno and welcome. I do not know whether they are real Ukrainian made or Chinese copies. Art. LED Ersatz Glühbirne für 6V - Meine Erfahrung/Empfehlung. Nr. A similar model is the Soviet (now Ukrainian) Dnepr motorcycle. by berger » Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:01 am, Post by smoothmachines » Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:42 am, Post Forum rules Here's the place for those who are newb or thinking about buying a Ural or Dnepr to introduce themselves ask those typical "newbie" questions. Ernie Franke: Adjusting the Retro Hydraulic Brake : … Some carbs especially old models have inherent design/maint weak traits but even those work well if in spec/tune. by dneprlover » Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:21 pm, Post by dneprlover » Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:26 pm, Post I will look up the PZ28s, you are the first one to name these. On a near 40-50 year old bike you'll constantly be discovering issues that gee isn't working as well as it likely did in 1965. Lichtmaschine / Lima G414 / Ural 6V65W reparieren oder neu kaufen?!