I'll be digging in to this build and will let you know if I find anything else, but on the surface this looks like a modest maintenance release that should have minimal issues compared to the May 2020 Update. RELATED: Don't Worry: Windows 10's Control Panel Is Safe (For Now). RELATED: What You Need to Know About the New Microsoft Edge Browser. And, when you’re done with your “focused” activity, Focus Assist pops up a summary of all the notifications it didn’t show you. It will be available as an optional update, meaning you'll have to explicitly choose to download and install the 20H2 update unless your device has reached the end of support for your current Windows 10 version. All the information found in the Settings pane in Control Panel is available in the Settings app. For tips on locating your product key, check Find your Office 2010 product key or Enter the product key for your Office 2007 program. It destroys the file system during a disk check on SSDs, so Windows 10 can’t start after a reboot. updated Windows 10 Version 20H2 (Windows 10 October 2020 Update) ist ab sofort verfügbar. email Microsoft: This new Windows 10 preview is just to test how quickly we can issue builds. Das letzte große Update für Windows 10 ist im Mai 2020 erschienen, dabei handelte es sich um das Windows 10 Version 2004. In this version of Windows, the classic “System” page in the Control Panel has been removed. Windows 10 20H2 ‘ChkDsk’ Issue! Neuerungen in Windows 10 20H2 alias Windows 10 Oktober-2020-Update. If you don’t like this, that’s fine—it’s configurable. Summary. If you’ve used Windows 10’s Focus Assist feature—which automatically hides notifications while you’re playing games and using other full-screen applications, among other tasks—you’ll probably notice that it can be really noisy. Der Menüpunkt „System“ / „Info“ in den Einstellungen wird die Standardanzeige für Systeminformationen. When I tested this feature, I noticed one encouraging sign: the handful of games and third-party apps were all stuffed into a single folder on Start, making it possible to unpin that folder and remove its clutter with two clicks. Das Windows 10 Oktober 2020 Update trägt die Versionsnummer 20H2. Windows 10: Microsoft's Project Reunion preview arrives to make writing apps easier. Es erscheint zwischen Ende Oktober und Anfang November. You may unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time. You Here's what you can expect. ... Walmart Cyber Week deals: Chromebook, Gateway, and more. Click “Download and install” to get it. Wer also Windows 10 20H2 lädt, kriegt automatisch auch den neuen Browser. 'Pre-Release' Here's how (ZDNet YouTube), Microsoft Teams: A cheat sheet (TechRepublic). Welche Neuerungen drinstecken und wann es kommt, verrät COMPUTER BILD. Store describe Please review our terms of service to complete your newsletter subscription. What’s New in Windows 10’s October 2020 Update (20H2), Available Now. Meanwhile, Microsoft promises a "cleaner, more personalized, out-of-box experience," specifically pointing to a simpler default taskbar layout. In that same vein, you'll find some minor changes to the way notifications work, including an X in the upper right corner of every notification allowing you to immediately dismiss it. is The new Edge has also been available to download from the web since January 15, 2020. Android Microsoft is expanding the “Your Phone” app with more features designed for “select Samsung devices.” If you have one of these phones, you can now access your phone’s Android apps directly on your Windows 10 PC. The recommended servicing status is Semi-Annual Channel. Channel Removing the color background boxes allows icons in the app list to stand out. Wie zu sehen ist, wurde... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Schmitt25, 24. Windows 10 20H2 (October 2020 Update) is now gradually rolling out as an optional update, and if your device is known to have a good install experience, then it’ll be available through the Windows Update settings page. What’s New in Windows 10’s October 2020 Update (20H2), Available Now, Microsoft’s long, slow process of slowly phasing out the Control Panel, the new, Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser, more information about the “Apps” feature, a full list of supported devices that can use the “Apps feature.”, Windows 10 now shows browser tabs in your Alt+Tab switcher, disabling all these Focus Assist notifications, crank it up for a smoother visual experience, How to Respond Directly to a Specific Message in Instagram, How to Add, Edit, or Delete Saved Passwords in Microsoft Edge, How to Quickly Clear All Notifications on Mac, How to Disable Friend Requests on a Nintendo Switch, © 2020 LifeSavvy Media. ... Google quietly buys company that turns your old Windows 7 PC into Chrome OS machine. new By signing up, you agree to receive the selected newsletter(s) which you may unsubscribe from at any time. Wir stellen sie euch vor. To install the update anyway, download and run Microsoft’s Update Assistant tool. Windows 10’s October 2020 Update, also known as the 20H2 update, is here. On a PC that's already running version 2004, the upgrade takes just a few minutes. That's what happened in 2019, when Microsoft released version 1909 as a small "enablement package" that took only a few minutes to download and install on systems that were already running version 1903. This update is focused on bug and performance fixes, but it has some larger changes—like the removal of the System Control Panel. for On the Advanced Display Settings page, you'll find a new option to change the refresh rate. If you're not up on your Microsoft jargon, allow me to translate: There are very few new features in this update. build Apps will launch in separate windows enabling you to interact with multiple apps at the same time. Once again, the version numbering follows last year's playbook, incrementing the major build number by 1, from 19041 to 19042. To find this option, head to Settings > System > Display > Advanced Display Settings. Select Product Version. 05.11.2020, 11:54 Uhr Nach dem 20H2-Update arbeitet Microsoft verstärkt am nächsten Windows-10-Funktionsupdate 21H1 "Iron". You can still get those tiles that match your theme back, however. RELATED: What's New in Windows 10's 21H1 Update, Coming Spring 2021. In the future, Microsoft says it will go even further: Later in the year, Samsung Galaxy Note20 users will experience the power and convenience of running multiple apps side by side and we will continue to work with Samsung to bring this feature to additional devices. That’s very exciting. features. emulation This update is focused on bug and performance fixes, but it has some larger changes—like the removal of the System Control Panel. You will also receive a complimentary subscription to the ZDNet's Tech Update Today and ZDNet Announcement newsletters. other This article is up-to-date with the latest changes as of the final version of the 20H2 update, released on October 20, 2020. That’s not necessarily big news—Windows Update may already have installed the new Microsoft Edge on your system, anyway. You'll no longer see a notification asking if you want to switch into tablet mode; instead, Windows will automatically make that switch, with appropriate adjustments to make the interface more touch-friendly. Microsoft releases another Windows 10 preview but only to test its ability to flight new previews in rapid succession. Windows 10 20H2: Jetzt als Download verfügbar Windows 10 20H2: Oktober-Update 2020 veröffentlicht – hier die Neuerungen plus By Head to the Download Windows 10 page and click “Update now” to get it. Windows 10 20H2 Update-Blockade für Zertifikatbug aufgehoben Windows 10 Oktober Update hat wieder ein Problem beim Drucken Neue 20H2-ISO-Datei steht zur Verfügung, noch mit Inplace Update-Bug Beta 88 brings a slew of improvements. Here's the short list of what's new. You may encounter bugs with the update on your PC’s hardware if you use it. This isn’t as big a deal as it sounds. Upgrading from an older version downloads and installs the full feature update. Version 2004 is on the left, 20H2 on the right. That's the sound of Microsoft's update servers, counting down to the public release of Windows 10 version 20H2, aka the October 2020 Update. After the upgrade, this is the version information you'll see on the About page in Settings. Windows 10’s October 2020 Update (version 20H2) does offer some notable changes—the classic System pane in the Control Panel is vanishing—but mostly features smaller changes. has Presumably, other browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox could choose to integrate with the Alt+Tab switcher in the future and show browser tabs, too. Sure, we had a smaller update last year with 19H2 (the November 2019 Update) followed by a larger update with 20H1 (the May 2020 Update). Windows Kacheln farblos nach Upgrade auf 20H2. Microsoft How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. With this release and future releases, the Windows 10 release nomenclature is changing from a year and month pattern (YYMM) to a year and half-year pattern (YYH1, YYH2). Microsoft's getting ready to release another feature update for Windows 10. Die wichtigsten Neuerungen, die das Oktober-Update für Endanwender bereithält, betreffen. Follow build Select edition. The fact that this is a "light" update doesn't mean it's completely devoid of new features. several you Die großen viereckigen Schaltflächen bleiben zwar erhalten. are Cookie Settings | new It's also an accurate description of the new release cadence for Windows 10, with each tick representing a major release in the first half of the year and the tock marking the release of a minor update in the second half of the year. One of Microsoft's latest Windows 10 test builds includes promised x64 Arm emulation. for The Ed Bott Report This one's a minor update, with just a handful of changes. What's new in Windows 10 version 20H2. This update will be fast to install, just like 19H2 was. Expect that one to take the normal 20-30 minutes (or even longer on older hardware). Windows 10 20H2 lautet auch der interne Name für das kommende Herbst-Update. Here is some information about the problem and the affected Windows 10 build. x64 Windows Windows 10 version 20H2: Key enterprise features What business users and IT pros should know about new features in the Windows 10 October 2020 Update, version 20H2. You also agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge the data collection and usage practices outlined in our Privacy Policy. And that's the full official list. Microsoft More features are arriving in Windows 10’s 21H1 update, arriving sometime in Spring 2021. When you try to open it, you’ll be taken to the About page in the new Settings app. There ... Why bring Android apps to the Microsoft Store and Windows 10? account Windows 10, Version 20H2 bietet nun eine Reihe von Funktionen für ausgewählte Leistungsverbesserungen, Unternehmensfunktionen und Qualitätsverbesserungen. The change is only visible when setting up a new account. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, comics, trivia, reviews, and more. is To install the update the official way, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. but | September 24, 2020 -- 19:37 GMT (20:37 BST) This article is up-to-date with the latest changes as of the final version of the 20H2 update, released on … its Windows 10 now shows browser tabs in your Alt+Tab switcher—if you use Edge. Walmart offers a new round of deals on laptops, desktops, and more for Cyber Monday. Because this is an H2 release, businesses that have deployed Windows 10 Enterprise qualify for a greatly expanded support lifecycle of 30 months instead of the usual 18 months. Most of these changes are pretty small, but some are really small. to Windows 10’s October 2020 Update, also known as the 20H2 update, is here. But Dev Account As an H2-targeted release, 20H2 is serviced for 30 … As usual, Microsoft is slowly rolling out the update to small numbers of PCs at a time, letting people choose to install it and see how it works on their PCs. You can choose to show only the primary tab, the three or five most recently visited tabs, or all tabs. Windows 10 20H1 bringt vor allem Neuerungen im Bereich Suche, Anmeldung mit Windows Hello, ein besseres Windows Subsystem für Linux und eine verbesserte Oberfläche. So, instead, the company changed the way it labels new feature updates to use H1 and H2 where the month number used to be. On 2-in-1 devices, Microsoft has adjusted the way the user interface changes when you detach the screen. Just as it did with last year's second-half release, Microsoft announced months in advance that the October 2020 Update would "offer a scoped set of features to improve performance and enhance quality." It's a particularly nice refresh on the scrolling apps list, helping the program icons stand out in much the same way favicons identify tabs in a web browser. Effective with version 20H2, you can change a display's refresh rate without needing a third-party utility. But, with this release, it’s official: The new Edge replaces the old Edge in the baseline version of Windows 10. RELATED: How to Disable Windows 10's Annoying Focus Assist Notifications. The previous "version yymm" naming convention resulted in 2020's first release appearing as though it had been released 16 years ago, in 2004. Cisco takes a second stab at fixing critical flaws in its Jabber IM client that it first disclosed in September. One of the most reliable and convenient ways is to use the ISO file. So, if you’re using several web pages at once, you can quickly find and switch between them just with Alt+Tab. Mit Windows 10 20H2 verabschiedet sich Microsoft teilweise von dem Startmenü-Design mit großen farbigen Kacheln. The Control Panel won’t vanish any time soon, though—it has too many useful options and Microsoft is migrating them to the new Settings app very slowly. this? Microsoft's getting ready to release another feature update for Windows 10. Nun ist es so langsam Zeit für das alljährliche Herbst-Update, was Windows 10 Version 20H2 heißt. The shift to using standard theme colors means Windows 10’s new application icons look better in the Start menu. (Note that these changes don't affect what you see if you use the Windows key+Tab shortcut to access Timeline.). Microsoft After all, the new Edge shares its open-source Chromium codebase with Google Chrome. In previous Windows versions, you needed a third-party utility to make that change. Als H2-Version wird 20H2 30 Monate ab dem Veröffentlichungsdatum für Geräte mit Windows 10 Enterprise- oder Windows 10 Education-Editionen gewartet. Das Oktober-Update kann ab sofort installiert werden und birgt viele Neuerungen. Darüber sind auch die für die Oberfläche von Windows geplanten Änderungen. RELATED: How to Pin a Website to the Windows 10 Taskbar or Start Menu. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. 10 The most obvious change, of course, is the name of the release. crucial Windows 10 20H2 ist die erste Windows-Version, die den neuen auf … The addition of theme-aware tiles means you can turn on a dark theme, choose an accent color, and apply that accent color behind any pinned tiles on Start. Admittedly, manually running a ‘ChkDsk’ scan of your storage drive isn’t a common task. The You’ll see a Refresh Rate option at the bottom of the window. about When signing in with a new account, you're prompted to complete setup of the new Edge, with no trace of the old browser visible. That’s our Microsoft-to-English translation of what’s going on, anyway. a They’ll be running on your phone but you can launch, see, and interact with them on your Windows 10 desktop. two Windows 10 20H2 installiert und Neuerungen angeschaut: Mit Edge, Kontozwang und Familien-Einstellungen Beginning with this release, the visual design of the Start menu changes, dropping the solid color behind tiles and replacing it with a partially transparent background. Time to try Microsoft's Chromium Edge? cloud You can now change your PC’s refresh rate in the Settings app—without visiting the old Control Panel. Schließen Sie ein leeres USB-Laufwerk mit mindestens 8GB Speicherplatz an. RELATED: How to Install Windows 10's October 2020 Update (20H2). Previously, the Start menu used your accent color, which means the default Windows 10 theme used a variety of blue icons on a blue background. Ed Bott the use (You can change this setting if you prefer to be asked every time.). to When you pin a website to your taskbar using Microsoft Edge, you can now click (or mouse-over) that taskbar icon to see all your browser tabs for that website. RELATED: Windows 10 Will Soon Show Edge Browser Tabs in Alt+Tab. Had Microsoft stuck to the same naming convention, the H2 version number would have been either 2009 or 2010. Instead of just showing one Edge thumbnail for each browser window, you’ll see a number of different tabs in the Alt+Tab switcher. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. That’s good news for Windows 10 users. these You can change what happens—for example, to prevent Windows 10 from entering tablet mode automatically—by heading to Settings > System > Tablet. Nutzer von Windows 10 dürfen sich auf praktische Neuerungen freuen, die den Arbeitsalltag erleichtern sollen. By Howard Wen. bringing is It’s pretty distracting. Instead, Microsoft is taking the existing 20H1 update and polishing it even further. If you have Office 2010 or earlier and choose to perform a clean install of Windows 10, you will need to locate your Office product key. Microsoft is proud that this is the first version of Windows 10 with the new, Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser included. But Microsoft insisted that there was no plan to do a small update followed by a large update each year. Microsoft's newest version of Windows 10, Windows 10 20H2, appears to have a bug that may damage the file system of the Windows partition and cause blue screens during reboots. 'Project support, This update makes improvements to Setup binaries or any files that Setup uses for feature updates in Windows 10, version 2004 and 20H2. In Windows 10 20H2 with installed cumulative update KB4592438, chkdsk causes massive issues. theories. The version information confirms this is a minor update. This update should be plenty stable because of all that effort going into polishing and bug-fixing. Here’s how Microsoft phrases it: “Windows 10 version 20H2 will offer a scoped set of features to improve performance and enhance quality.”. You agree to receive updates, alerts, and promotions from the CBS family of companies - including ZDNet’s Tech Update Today and ZDNet Announcement newsletters. You'll also find a new group of settings under System > Multitasking, where you can decide whether to show individual browser tabs when using the Alt+Tab task switcher. Version 20H2 is following the exact same playbook. Just head to Settings > Personalization > Color, enable dark mode (or at least enable dark for “your default Windows mode,”) and tell Windows to show the accent color on “Start, taskbar, and action center.”, RELATED: How to Enable Windows 10's New Light Theme. The Start menu is getting “theme-aware tiles.” Now, the tile background will be light or dark to match whichever Windows 10 theme you’re using—light or dark. 10. why especially Microsoft has been making pinned sites on the taskbar work better, too. Here are a few other ones: As usual, Microsoft also fixed a wide variety of smaller performance and stability issues under the hood. Es enthält Neuerungen, die für das kommende Funktionsupdate 20H2 von Windows 10 gedacht sind. As with previous fall releases, Windows 10, version 20H2 is a scoped set of features for select performance improvements, enterprise features, and quality enhancements. doing Chris Hoffman is Editor in Chief of How-To Geek. Applies to: Windows 10, version 2004, all editions Windows 10, version 20H2, all editions. get When you detached a keyboard on a 2-in-1 device, a notification popped up and asked you if you wanted to enable tablet mode. can Latte' bunch seven free, Head to Settings > System > Multitasking and you configure Alt+Tab to show your most recent three or five tabs—or turn it off completely and get a more classic Alt+Tab experience. The 20H2 update is optional for most Windows 10 users. Microsoft’s website offers more information about the “Apps” feature, including a full list of supported devices that can use the “Apps feature.”, RELATED: Why Android Users Need Windows 10's "Your Phone" App. storage. Cisco 9.9/10-severity bug: Patch these dangerous Jabber flaws for Windows, macOS. So, if you pin Gmail to your taskbar in Edge and you have Gmail tabs open in several browser windows, you can click the Gmail icon to find them—even if they’re buried in other Edge browser windows. Terms of Use, released version 1909 as a small "enablement package", Next for Windows 10: What to expect from the version 2004 update, Back to school: The best cheap laptops under $320 you can buy now, Windows 10 privacy guide: How to take control, Seven Windows 10 annoyances (and how to fix them), Ready to run Linux on Windows 10? Windows This one's a minor update, with just a handful of changes. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than 500 million times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. This is just another step in Microsoft’s long, slow process of slowly phasing out the Control Panel. Microsoft makes progress on its plan to bring old Windows apps together with modern ones. By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Windows 10 20H2: Einstellungen für Display und mehr. Therefore, the new features in Windows 10, version 20H2 are included in the latest monthly quality update for Windows 10, version 2004 (released October 13, 2020), but are in an inactive and dormant state. Insiders. value, releasing This time around, 20H2 easily could have been another big release packed full of features. to There’s a convenient “Copy” button to copy all the text to your clipboard, and you’ll even find buttons for opening advanced system settings like BitLocker settings and Device Manager at the bottom of the page. Windows 10, versions 2004 and 20H2 share a common core operating system with an identical set of system files. if If the update isn’t available for your PC, that suggests Microsoft isn’t confident it will perform well on your PC’s hardware yet. Microsoft's Andernfalls werden alle Inhalte auf dem Laufwerk gelöscht. test Neu in Windows 10 20H2 ist aber, dass der Edge auf Chromium-Basis erstmals Teil von Windows ist. Windows 10 Pro Windows 10: Windows 8/8.1 Chinese Language Edition Windows 8 Chinese Language Edition with Bing Windows 10 Home China Wählen Sie aus, welches Medium Sie verwenden möchten: USB-Laufwerk. We recommend you wait for the update to be offered to your PC via Windows Update before you install it. apps begin Windows 10’s October 2020 Update (20H2) was released on October 20, 2020—kind of. of This represents the tenth feature … for On October 20, Microsoft began the gradual rollout of the Windows 10 October 2020 Update (version 20H2). It also gets big Copy buttons beneath the Device Specifications and Windows Specifications sections, making it easier to share that information with a support tech or the corporate help desk. How to lock down your Microsoft Account and keep it safe from outside attackers, Line2: My favorite mobile app makes your business phone number truly portable, Microsoft Teams: The complete starter guide for business decision makers, Better than the best password: How to use 2FA to improve your security. and Warning: Running this tool skips the gradual rollout process. If you have a monitor with a high refresh rate, you should crank it up for a smoother visual experience. Microsoft veröffentlicht Windows 10 20H2 mit vielen Design- und Feature-Neuerungen Windows 10 20H2 bietet eine Vielzahl an Neuerungen, sowohl … The Windows 10 20H2 Update is the latest revision of Microsoft's desktop operating system. It’s also known as Windows 10 version 2009, and it has a build number of 19042.572. For example, Windows 10 is getting system-wide support for DNS Over HTTPS (DoH), boosting security and privacy online. optische Anpassungen der Benutzeroberfläche, die eine bessere Personalisierung und komfortablere User Experience ermöglichen, Microsoft's Chromium-based Edge version 88 brings vertical and sleeping tabs, better performance, no more Flash. Chris has written for The New York Times, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. new | Topic: Windows 10. Click “Check for Updates.” If the update is available for your PC, you’ll see “Feature update to Windows 10, version 20H2” here. Google buys Neverware, a startup with Chrome OS variant that squeezes extra life out of old Windows PCs and Macs. By registering, you agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices outlined in the Privacy Policy.