Rear handle 15. 0000087323 00000 n QuickSpecs HP Z8 G4 Workstation Overview c05527763 — DA – 15956 — Worldwide — Version 18 — April 8, 2019 Page 1 HP Z8 G4 Workstation Front view 1. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA - 15954 Worldwide t Version 3 tNovember 29, 2017 Page 5 Disclaimers Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. HP Z4 G4 workstation Het meest populaire workstation van HP biedt ongeëvenaarde prestaties voor een keur aan applicaties en is daarmee HP® Netherlands ZWorkstations stocks only new condition and latest model Western Digital hard drives and Samsung solid-state drives.. Save with Free Shipping when you shop online with HP. 0000007595 00000 n HP Z4 G4 is a workstation solution based on the Intel C422 chipset using Intel’s vPro technology and on 8 DIMM slots in 4-channel memory architecture. QuickSpecs HP Z2 Tower G4 Workstation Overview c05987463 —DA 16215 – Worldwide — Version 22 — July 18, 2020 Page 1 HP Z2 Tower G4 Workstation 1. This section will be disabled if a solid-state drive in the Primary or Secondary Drive section is selected. 2 x 5.25” external bays 2. Z4 G4 Workstation 6QN78EA; 6QN78EA; Specs; Alle pc's; HP Z4 G4 Workstation 6QN78EA. Raadpleeg de QuickSpecs van dit product voor alle informatie. Score: 0. h�b```b``[�����m� Ā B@16� <> Kensington lock slot 17. Data sheets Language Last modified date . 0000235434 00000 n This is the HP Inc. QuickSpecs site. 0 Hewlett Packard y el logotipo de HP son marcas registradas de Hewlett Packard. 0000234769 00000 n Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 10. HP Z4 G4 Workstation - Product documentation. HP Z4 G4 Delivers Speedy Application Performance I loaded everything from complex 3D displays to computer-aided design programs and virtual reality, and there was never a delay. 0000000016 00000 n 0000089584 00000 n Capable of running complex simulations and handling extreme technical demands with ease, this PC is an excellent way to make the most out of your workday. HP Marketing Document Library QuickSpecs Online. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 — DA – 15954 — Worldwide — Version 24 — July 18, 2020 Page 2 Internal view Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors 4. f��>57aă[�,`, �Tp_��'�*#J��p/�eיs�HM19���N���u���D!�Y�T�$2��>'pM�]����@����%TA�\����Pn裳eh�ԈC:NyVc�N��L��¶ }p���Nn޳[q�Qn 8���n��v�����0���n��5�} �I�λh��_�� k���a�����G��l�c�>;��ϵkQ7� Z�c�qD�3,˕��߽������� Ɨ�9{�]�x�N����y;7����������������]fa���_�1s��^��- f��rn����`�{���]8;w��`��x�/[����9���b���e_���G^׎?���ݔ�е��b����;�14�9ؾI׮IZ��AC���� xUΠ��,�#��Xs/3�]���0IjMz�7���~��:P�Z�ݿj�*H��c�Tx\�)w]�nz�`"/A�v���D���LC��V�s9$��POj�������g�$�Z���X���SS�*L�1�aj�T�)Iϧ)�0��ڵ����C���A� Technische whitepapers | QuickSpecs | Naslaggidsen | Verklaringen en certificeringen | Datasheets - HP Z4 G4 Workstation (6TL44EA) Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. <]/Prev 1118837>> 0000008918 00000 n Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP Z4 G4 Workstation.This is HP’s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your HP Computing and Printing products for Windows and Mac operating system. �^k�� �^�_W6eڬsb��}D��v�c���7M���me��b�*� 0000235281 00000 n 231 0 obj <> endobj QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation 概要 c05527757 — DA — 15954 Japan — バージョン1 — 2018年2月5日 2ページ インテル® Xeon® Wプロセッサー インテル® Core™ Xシリーズ プロセッサー 内部図 インテル® Xeon® Wプロセッサー インテル® Core™ Xシリーズ プロセッサー 4. 0000235981 00000 n Optional Serial Port 2. x��| |յ��3ZgF���F˲,ے�%��x'&$�1�;���BbH�ʒ�-1Ph)������-i����P 0000235141 00000 n Meet your tightest deadlines even when editing raw 4K and 8K footage. 0000006963 00000 n Rear power button 14. 0000088977 00000 n 構成ガイド、Quick Specs等 - ワークステーション HPワークステーションは、最先端の技術を積極的に採用し圧倒的なパフォーマンスを実現。 ワークステーション市場を牽引する独自技術による革新的機能の数々で生産性の向上に寄与します。 6 0 obj 1 USB 3.0 Battery Charging Port 5. 0000008685 00000 n Configurations with the Intel® Core™ X processors support only a subset of the full features of the Z4 G4 system, including, but not limited to: memory type and maximum memory, PCIe slot configurations, M.2 storage capacity, GbE interface and manageability features. 0000006570 00000 n Rear I/O (top to bottom): - Audio in/out, - Keyboard/Mouse PS/2 0000003465 00000 n HP Z4 G4 Workstation HP's best-selling per formance workstation Per fect for engineering, visualization and Machine Learning, HP's most popular workstation delivers disruptive per formance for a wide spectrum of applications. Technische whitepapers | QuickSpecs | Naslaggidsen | Verklaringen en certificeringen | Datasheets - HP Z4 G4 Workstation (6QN92EA) 0000005446 00000 n 0000235847 00000 n The HP Z4 G4 is perfect for engineers, graphic designers, animators, and anyone working with the most demanding software. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA - 15954 t Worldwide t Version 6 t March 27, 2018 Page 4 Overview Form Factor Minitower Operating Systems Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors Preinstalled: • Windows 10 Pro 64 for Workstations • HP Linux-ready (minimal OS ready for customer OS installation) HP Z2 Tower G4 Workstation is capable of configuring up to two Z Turbo Drives. Configuraties met de Intel® Core™ X-processors ondersteunen slechts één subset van de volledige functies van het Z4 G4 systeem, inclusief maar niet beperkt tot: type geheugen en maximaal geheugen, PCIe-sleufconfiguraties, M.2-opslagcapaciteit, GbE-interface en beheerfuncties. Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 4. 0000003645 00000 n When one of these SSDs (uninitialized) is connected, the workstation fails to boot (the spinning circle goes on forever). Single graphics configuration requires the HP Z4 G4 Fan and Front Card Guide Kit, which is available both CTO and AMO. 0000008941 00000 n x�}R�n�0��>���H$d)!�ġ�J{�z ��"cr���%i� ��y�X�0/��l�莗0���BCߝ4t�c#�D���T�/o+��\�� m!�.�2��a?��֢;�C>k��G4{�KS�'���9 0��F�ROU(t�y!̼ƹ�\o�D]M�2�Ы��������lo�7�u��W�:2h�)v�F]D7��������=,�����`d�1ۤ~��1v�h�~��oy���ڞ���co��#!�)�y��H6��{Q���S�/�R�>,|�X��O7�WMc������ibaĐm�\9�zw����6��L��&N.�.G6A��s�U�,˾?� I have talked to HP support on the phone and was told HP can only support the SSDs listed in the Quickspecs for the workstation. 0000009876 00000 n Single graphics configuration requires the 750 W chassis or 1000 W chassis. Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 4. Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 4. 0000007132 00000 n 0000002826 00000 n Click here for the Hewlett Packard Enterprise QuickSpecs experience. VIDEO EDITORS. %PDF-1.4 Intel® Xeon® W-2235 processor (3,8 GHz, tot 4,6 GHz met Intel® Turbo Boost-technologie, 8,25 MB cache, 6 cores) 16 GB DDR4-2933 SDRAM (1 x 16 GB) 512 GB SATA SSD Incl. endobj External 5.25’’ bay 3. NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 8GB Graphics. endstream endobj 232 0 obj <>/Outlines 275 0 R/Page/UseOutlines/PageLayout/SinglePage/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 220 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 233 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 594 792]/Parent 221 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 234 0 obj <> endobj 235 0 obj <> endobj 236 0 obj <> endobj 237 0 obj <> endobj 238 0 obj <> endobj 239 0 obj <> endobj 240 0 obj [202 0 352 0 0 784 639 190 300 300 406 536 250 385 250 367 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 250 250 536 536 536 0 835 553 557 503 602 513 484 572 607 245 379 553 472 714 613 613 551 613 567 515 525 594 552 793 557 525 524 0 0 0 0 504 0 498 521 424 521 496 341 519 524 227 227 491 261 805 524 526 524 524 351 442 349 524 476 700 479 480 457 0 0 0 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 786 0 0 0 0 491 0 341 536 378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 536] endobj 241 0 obj <> endobj 242 0 obj [190 0 424 591 0 0 668 0 331 331 423 536 290 388 290 399 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 290 0 536 0 0 0 855 577 564 503 610 519 498 576 616 295 408 579 482 739 618 618 558 618 577 523 550 597 577 803 577 549 523 0 0 0 0 500 0 518 537 438 537 504 381 535 541 271 0 530 300 803 541 538 542 543 382 451 389 541 513 715 510 515 458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 484] endobj 243 0 obj [268 0 R] endobj 244 0 obj <>stream Case studies Language Last modified date . QuickSpecs Intel® VROC for NVMe (Virtual RAID on CPU) Overview c05821090 — DA – 16071 Worldwide — Version 1 —May 14, 2018 Page 1 ... Z4 G4, Z6 G4, Z8 G4 Requires: Intel® RSTe 5.2 PV Release package . Configurations with the Intel® Core™ X processors support only a subset of the full features of the Z4 G4 system, including, but not limited to: memory type and maximum memory, PCIe slot configurations, M.2 storage capacity, GbE interface and manageability features. xref 0000008351 00000 n Headphone/Microphone 7. 0000003282 00000 n 0000003842 00000 n In fact, this was one of the quickest systems for any type of graphical application that I have ever tested. With a choice of Intel® Xeon® or Core™ X processors, and suppor t for dual extreme graphics, you get all you need, nothing more. QuickSpecs HP Z6 G4 Workstation Overview c05527761 — DA – 15955 — Worldwide — Version 24 — July 18, 2020 Page 1 HP Z6 G4 Workstation Front view 1. Alle rechten voorbehouden. 0000003894 00000 n <> 0000010493 00000 n Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 9. HP Z4 G4 Workstation Choose a different product series Warranty status: Unspecified - Check warranty status Manufacturer warranty has expired - See details Covered under Manufacturer warranty Covered under Extended warranty , months remaining month remaining days remaining day remaining - … Dual graphics configuration requires the 1000W chassis. 0000087643 00000 n You can arrange any combination of hard drives or solid-state drives. The 1125W Power Supply can also supply 1450W of output power when the input voltage is greater than 200V under all conditions. インテル® Xeon®プロセッサー:W-2100ファミリー 4. 0000009164 00000 n 3 0 obj To ensure your HP Z4 G4 has the features you want, every single day you go to work, there's not a better person available to design the perfect workstation than you. werkstation zijn beschikbaar in de HP Z4 G4 QuickSpecs (DA - 15954 Wereldwijd - Versie 8 - 24 augustus 2018). 0000236107 00000 n 0000005873 00000 n Vidéo | Z4 G4 Management Workstation Z4 G4 Management Workstation u Poste de travail hautes performances doté de la microarchitecture de nouvelle génération d'Intel u Prise en charge de plusieurs moniteurs (NVIDIA Quadro P4000, carte graphique 8 Go ou I tried installing 2 Samsung 860 QVO 2 TB SSDs into my HP Z4 G4 workstation. Front I/O Entry: 4 USB 3.1 Gen1 (LeftIntegrated Front Handle 5. 1 USB 3.0 port 4. 0000088348 00000 n Hewlett Packard en het HP-logo zijn geregistreerde handelsmerken van Hewlett Packard. 2 PCIe G3 x16, 2 PCIe G3 x4, 1 PCIe G3 x8 10. endstream endobj 245 0 obj <>stream 0000007105 00000 n %%EOF DC Power Plug 7. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 — DA – 15954 — Worldwide — Version 23 — February 6, 2020 Page 2 Internal view Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors 4. HP Z4 G4 Workstation (i9-9920X, 32GB intern, Quadro P6000) Prijs prijs volgen. 0000012870 00000 n Configuraties met de Intel® Core™ X-processors ondersteunen slechts één subset van de volledige functies van het Z4 G4 systeem, inclusief maar niet beperkt tot: type geheugen en maximaal geheugen, PCIe-sleufconfiguraties, M.2-opslagcapaciteit, GbE-interface en beheerfuncties. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA - 15954 Worldwide t Version 3 tNovember 29, 2017 Page 2 Internal view 4. Power Button 6. Find all product features, specs, accessories, reviews and offers for HP Z4 G4 Workstation (3FQ50UT#ABA). Prijs € 3.146,-prijs volgen. This section will be disabled if a solid-state drive in the Primary or Secondary Drive section is selected. %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000234677 00000 n The HP Z4 G4 is HP’s best-selling performance workstation. 0000008523 00000 n 0000235566 00000 n QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Supported Components Processor Supports: XW: Configurations with Intel® Xeon -W Processor Family CX: Configurations with Intel® Core™ X-series Processor Family CX (i7): Core i7-X series only CX (i9): Core i9-X series only c05527757 — DA – 15954 — Worldwide — Version 24 — July 18, 2020 Page 4 Overview H��U]o�@|�����v$����B With 2 x PCIe 3 x4, 2 x M.2 PCIe 3 x4, 1 x PCIe x8, and 2 x PCIe x16 (slots 2 and 4: PCH with open-ended connector; slot 5: CPU with open-ended connector), HP Z4 G4 delivers high performance bandwidth QuickSpecs HP Z2 Mini G4 Workstation Overview c05987462 — DA – 16216 Worldwide — Version 17 — July 18, 2020 Page 4 HP Z2 Mini G4 Performance with discrete graphics, back view 1. HP USB Business plat toetsenbord en HP USB optische muis 1H`����hh30O�2��i�0�~� ȳ�g`�0 BӢ When one of these SSDs (uninitialized) is connected, the workstation fails to boot (the spinning circle goes on forever). 0000235712 00000 n <>stream 0000234619 00000 n I tried installing 2 Samsung 860 QVO 2 TB SSDs into my HP Z4 G4 workstation. 0000234873 00000 n |ũ5*��|:AIX㡴��kv+U[{�13H�˘ e���Kؠd��Bi��|"�c7�Zgl:�A%�$��8���tg���o�k��Gow%��^Uo�t�� �Zow����f�IHg�`F�d:�X���4տ�`�rR�/��������I4� ۀ-���. ���铫iQ�i�2 �}o�=�o!&�|F"�@� �߻J�*�e�2A֥߱�"��H�J�D�r�v|8��Ja`�JԞ!) trailer QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA - 15954 Worldwide t Version 1 tSeptember 12, 2017 Page 2 Internal view 4. ZWorkstations stocks only new condition and latest model Western Digital hard drives and Samsung solid-state drives.. Intel 905p Series SSD (Optane SSD) Intel Optane SSD 905p 280 GB AiC. Please refer to the product QuickSpecs for complete details. HDD LED status 8. 0000088278 00000 n Padlock loop 16. With HP®, you can choose exactly what you want to get the computer you'll turn to when a project gets tough. 0000234988 00000 n �{.�t��{d�s��R6��"�-پb����OH*E0��#�� ��J�#$�MB��J/_Y�kQV0?y� ��nښ"苷X�R�NJ V i��D�$��O�W��;/H\Ȑ��H�Q�WMY0�9�&Ʈ2�1. 0000009187 00000 n N������@J�Ⱦ��ٙ�%�\W�����~%\�L��:���X�^O�D+P�!uh����߻�=���-�`_VU6��?�4N��C��\��m�(�YU��x���r�n��1_�0z_Kc��`�����a'�Ԫ���4�s�ߖ Case studies | Declarations and Certifications | Brochures | Technical white papers | Customer presentations | Data sheets | QuickSpecs - HP Z4 G4 Workstation … de trabajo se proporcionan en HP Z4 G4 QuickSpecs (DA - 15954 Worldwide - Versión 8 - 24 de agosto, 2018). M� `1&w�|� �jF�&�&�&$ч��K$L�yz7x���:�q��t6y��\5���&;�䛙?�(dcq�ǫ��� �C�>�σIn&G���2Ǚg9\*0-�}����� �lLg����0|��b�c8(`�×�T�p����$�_�^��a^�pDAۃc=�^�Z���6.�i�P�j��kBY™K�����˦>� Front I/O Entry: 4 USB 3.1 Gen1 (LeftIntegrated Front Handle 5. Configuration of Z4 G4 Management Workstation Z4 G4 Management Workstation, including 90% 750 W Chassis • Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit for Workstations OS • Intel Xeon W-2123 (3.6 GHz, 8.25 MB cache, 2666 MHz memory speed, 4C CPU) • 16 GB (1 x 16 GB) DDR4 2666 DIMM ECC RAM • 500 GB, 7200 RPM SATA 3.5 inch HDD The Z4 has two internal 3.5" SATA3 (6GB/s) bays. 2 PCIe G3 x4 M.2 for SSDs 11. Integrated Front Handle 3. e��tIK[xв�;���HmZ���}��������=s�s�=3� �H:X�?zʐ��� ���֭������t ��ѱ�W>������at�y����|��M6^uǎ��c(u���5�s�w@H�m>f�k? :fנ�e:h�浪E�'�E���A�Q����"K^�g����W8ͼ/�A@�.��@�X���E�GȎ>�iG�$I1a'AJY&%cc���H�...H|&%T>@���MP�#(hl₪����R!FA,��͑�26 G�+�����YCQ|��!Օ.nii�P�&N��5�qJJ.nh� ?s�Xa �u`�� i|��MJxb��5U�������O��hV��linAJ(v�E� 4���-���I)44��Ĕ�d/�[긓�1,f�p���0��@�_f8���@i�q`�8ǁ�������݁�s���t� �� � vergelijk: PC's. 289 0 obj <>stream 0000236234 00000 n Todos los derechos reservados. 0000005419 00000 n Technical white papers | QuickSpecs | Reference guides | Declarations and Certifications | Data sheets - HP Z4 G4 Workstation (9LP39EA) HP Z4 G4 Workstation 2WU66EA + Quadro P4000. endobj ���dߕq���|��>��|>��� ���䤱��SQ��˅��i�x��p���t�n���!�rrV�^>��MF��c�a[�9�?�,UgU��$T�Хcr=R5d�>���]���Z�^.��y*k.WǑ���*Qࡢ��{|~���0��V��sd�M5bq��KנȒ;Ċ����K�>��L�Gm�[2��-]�$(���Z����E�0������e��� 7�������V���ݷ�z4�{u�I��1��޼���˱�,�� �� M�7�Jf��X���. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 — DA – 15954 — Worldwide — Version 23 — February 6, 2020 Page 2 Internal view Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors 4. Please refer to the product QuickSpecs for complete details. Z4 G4 WORKSTATIONS – Pedensia. Intel® Xeon® Processors: W-2100 family 4. Visualize your project anytime by moving seamlessly between 3D CAD, rendering and simulation applications. 0000004711 00000 n 2 x 5.25” external drive bays 5. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation 概要 c05527757 — DA — 15954 Japan — バージョン1 — 2018年2月5日 2ページ インテル® Xeon® Wプロセッサー インテル® Core™ Xシリーズ プロセッサー 内部図 インテル® Xeon® Wプロセッサー インテル® Core™ Xシリーズ プロセッサー 4. 0000088595 00000 n High-performance workstation with Intel’s next-generation microarchitecture Multi-monitor support (NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000, 8 GB graphics card or NVIDIA Quadro P2200, 5 GB graphics card) Silent running with HP low acoustics chassis Protected by HP Hardware Services, including a 3 years Next Business Day on-site support 0000004144 00000 n QuickSpecs HP Z8 G4 Workstation Overview c05527763 — DA – 15956 — Worldwide — Version 18 — April 8, 2019 Page 1 HP Z8 G4 Workstation Front view 1. 0000051322 00000 n QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 — DA – 15954 — Worldwide — Version 20 — November 1, 2019 Page 2 Internal view Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors 4. %���� 0000012244 00000 n startxref Geen prijzen beschikbaar : HP Z4 G4 … By default, the Z Turbo Drive configured is installed in the M.2 storage slot on the system’s motherboard. QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA s 15954 t Worldwide t Version 8 t August 24, 2018 Page 3 Rear view Intel® Xeon® W Processors Intel® Core™ X-series Processors 13. PRODUCT DESIGNERS. ソフトウェア、ドライバー、お使いの製品のマニュアルなどのサポート及びトラブルシューティングの情報を検索します HP Z4 G4 Workstation 0000003790 00000 n Optional SD Card Reader 2. 0000002595 00000 n 0000001476 00000 n You can arrange any combination of hard drives or solid-state drives. �w� ��L!�&@K��:�5�*p�0�1�P�Q����}�π��t��u����tf�c60 0 QuickSpecs HP Z8 G4 Workstation Overview c05527763 — DA – 15956 — Worldwide — Version 8 — March 27, 2018 Page 1 HP Z8 G4 Workstation Front view 1. 2 x 2.5”/3.5” internal drive bays 6. 2 0 obj Quickly ingest files, and playback content with ultimate smoothness, so you can focus on telling your story. 0000087393 00000 n 0000089148 00000 n 231 59 Tower/desktop met Xeon W-2133 en 32GB ram. �3�0��?��.,o�Ax��?�7��9�+�Y)Ƃ��L5X/T��J��3TAȫ�� Θa%���@^�4�:�,�Jx���s��x�V�Q�>�3V��Sوm_���~� O���"��c�'߁�����,���8�=�� ԒO�0���y�?��#��A#9bK��^��q}�N.�fLu��c}7��k����|*y�?�יo�5���G���(ȗ�cs��n��Ťb���”��Ϸu/��r�-�����9��SrI=�S����.��^]"#��n�d�l��Tʧ�\b#� |¹��D����j0U��%/@#c�r?8� $1_�c����? インテル® Xeon®プロセッサー:W-2100ファミリー 4. 0000088104 00000 n It has 1 terabyte of storage and an integrated SATA 6-gigabyte … 2 x 2.5”/3.5” internal drive bays 0000011690 00000 n The HP Marketing Document Library for QuickSpecs, accessible from your desktop or mobile device, is a convenient central resource providing technical overviews and specifications for HP hardware and software. Specificaties Tower/desktop met Ci9-9820X en 32GB ram prijs volgen: willen hebben. Brochures ... Last modified date . QuickSpecs HP Z4 G4 Workstation Overview c05527757 t DA s 15954 t Worldwide t Version 8 t August 24, 2018 Page 1 Important Note: Features and Supported Configurations will differ between the Z4 G4 Workstations with Intel® Xeon®W Processors and the Z4 G4 Workstation with Intel® Core™ X … The Z4 has two internal 3.5" SATA3 (6GB/s) bays. mBT�j",E*ʃK��` The 1450W/100V/20A (1700W at 200V Input Voltage) power supply can also supply 1550W of output power when the input voltage is greater than 105V. QuickSpecs Intel® VROC for NVMe (Virtual RAID on CPU) Features HP Z4 G4 Workstation Choose a different product series Warranty status: Unspecified - Check warranty status Manufacturer warranty has expired - See details Covered under Manufacturer warranty Covered under Extended warranty , months remaining month remaining days remaining day remaining - … {1:57} Special Offer! Everything about the workstation has been built for speed. Raadpleeg de QuickSpecs van dit product voor alle informatie. 0000004958 00000 n 0000011101 00000 n Optional Flex-Port: No Load (Options include: VGA/HDMI/DisplayPort™/2nd RJ-45/USB-C™ 3.1 Gen 2 3. Declarations and Certifications Language Last modified date . I have talked to HP support on the phone and was told HP can only support the SSDs listed in the Quickspecs for the workstation.